Submitted by Looking Glass

Some comments suggest we know and understand little about the country and less about how the world spins. Some party faithfuls without knowledge or facts preach falsehood in tattered narrowness. A few seem to have difficulty with the written word. Prodigal Son asks if theSt Joseph hospital was sold how could government “be able to lease it out.” Yes I said the BLP sold the port, airport, the National Bank and the hospital in the north. Is the northern hospital located inSt Joseph? Austin (not Hal) asks if I “honestly consider what the Bajan public is getting from the current PM is leadership.” The article dealt exclusively with the BLP not the DLP. To answer your question try reading my other submissions.

According to Enuff the submission is “symptomatic of a government that fails to accept that public policy and behaviour inspires the private sector to invest….” Does he mean the current opposition? The submission dealt only with the BLP. To find out who bought the Port and Airport ask those who know but choose to be conveniently unaware.

I am not suggesting the private sector is to blame. That sector (White) built and developed the country. For example four arrived as indentures (another name for slaves), worked on the plantations some of which they later owned, invested their savings in business and built Bridgetown, all by utilizing the only natural resource, the land. (Little England 2). Politically it provided education for blacks (CodringtonCollege) and other social facilities at a time when the Uncle Sam considered the Nigger to be 5/8 of a human. And they supported the abolition of slavery. Recall the Conservative Party? You voted them out of power. Why is another story. Today the private sector provides the bulk of taxation used to support social services, government employment and remains by far the largest employer.

Some blacks also saved their money and went into small business. One even had a chain of over 10 stores. Today an increasing number of small businesses are owned by foreigners. Black business is almost a bad word. Sugar built the country. Today we are importing sugar, bananas and even eggs. We can’t get people to soil their hands working the land, not even to grow food products. Do that and they steal the products. Given your contention the government policy and behaviour failed to inspire the black population to invest

They are limitations to private sector investment. We have not the non-monetary tools like skills or natural resources. Foreign investors like Intel and Donnelly came and left primarily because there was no skilled manpower. Many years ago a white Bajan professor at a topUKinstitution did a manpower study. The recommendations which included educational reform are still in the ministry. All we have is people, land, sea and sun. Stop selling the land and grow food and exportable items like coffee and cocoa. It would reduce the import bill, living costs, generate employment and reduce health problems. By the way Enuff the BLP did not build the Hall of Justice. Nor did it ‘repair’ and renovate the West Wing of Parliament.

Artaxerxes tells us theUKhas a floating exchange rate and demand and supply for a currency determines the value of a currency. Exactly what does he mean? All currency exchange rates are fixed. Demand for Bajan dollars results in part from the need to pay for imported items and loans the cost of which are all in foreign currency. We do not make our own currency and so cannot increase the supply as needed. So government cannot “alter fiscal policy through the counterbalancing use of fiscal and monetary policy.” Nor is there an exchange rate to help control the rate of inflation as you suggested. The central bank may have the flexibility to lower interest rates on the money it lends but not on foreign generated loans. Explain how “cheaper prices of imported foodstuffs and beverages will also have a negative effect on the rate of consumer price inflation.” Yes the case has been made by some countries for the abolition of fixed exchange rates. Some have suggested that all currencies should be of the same value which means a single world currency. Your suggestions are unlikely even with a single world currency.

Along the way we demonstrate our ignorance to the world. Elsewhere Brudah Bim tells us the government failed to prioritize expenditure for the restructuring of key and necessary sectors to create industries and jobs. For Enuff a strong fiscal strategy includes, among things, the endurance of strong growth through increased efficiency, productivity, competitiveness and the endurance of domestic and external confidence. Can they name a democratic country whose government built and operate manufacturing facilities and stores to make products to sell to the people or to export? Will we ever understand that Government has no business in the private sector? Government and the private sector do not have an inherent right to facilitate your lavish conspicuous lifestyle. People are the economy not the government. You put them there so blame yourself.

According to Barbados First the PM is considering the airline offer for some form of support from government and requested its balance sheet. The BFP (May 6) tells us the PM would review the airline books prior to making a decision. This from a lawyer. Since when has government the right to review the books of a privately owned company? Are we a shareholder? Subsidy does not make us a shareholder. That he subsidised and accommodated an airline to compete with one in which we are the largest shareholder attests to his knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Not surprising some souls wonder if he ever won a case in court.

  1. “Today the private sector provides the bulk of taxation used to support social services, government employment and remains by far the largest employer” – extracted from the above tread by Looking Glass.

    The private sector does not provide the bulk of TAXATION. They nor any other sector do not even provide anything of the sort, since it is the government that wickedly wrongly STEALS countless portions of the incomes, payments and transfers of the relevant people, businesses and other entities in this country.

    Too, the majority of these wicked and wrongful thefts come through and from the incomes, payments and transfers of black Barbadian households.

    Moreover, it is these same black Barbadian households/ people whose incomes, payments and transfers that are the main source or target of this evil wicked TAXATION SYSTEM.

    Also, it is a cruel evil myth too that TAXATION supports social services and government employment. The objects that government actually collects from out of this wicked evil TAXATION PROCESS is, yes, money which is constantly in existence, but this money and its uses have already been paid for by the relevant incomes, payments and transfers of the relevant people, businesses and other entities in Barbados.

    What this therefore means is that the Barbadian people including the same government employees would have already paid for such social services ( whose material mechanical bases are overwhelmingly largely provided by private sector corporations ) and the labour services of government employees (whose material personal bases are overwhelmingly greatly provided by others including the private sector ) – ( in both regards THE THEORY OF CONTINGENT USES OF FACTORS OF PRODUCTION), almost as if they had already been provided by and paid for within the private sector.

    Such and more constitute the dimensions and scales and costs of real activity taking place in this country and which must be taken account of by private, government and sectoral other officials in the country.

    Hence, outside of such there is and can be NO MONEY COST/BENEFIT TO ANY ENTITY IN simply transferring money – in whatever ways it is done – from itself to any other entity, whether it is from the private sectors to public sectors, or vice a versa, in Barbados. So, what a sickening destructive myth!!

    Now let us turn to the EU region where the debt financial crises there are exacerbating the ravaging crises in many of the political economies and services industry sectors of this region.

    Look what the IMF chief wants many millions to believe that the Greek debt crisis has largely come through their avioding taxes, and that they must what she calls pay their taxes. What a pure unadulterated unstudied false remark !!! Legarde probably thinks the Roman Empire still exist.

    Can any one in their wildest dreams imagine that Christine Legarde still thinks that Governments of countries across the world stealing and robbing their respective ways through the incomes, payments and transfers of people, businesses and other entities in these countries is the way to go in this more modern more enlightened more techologically driven era of world affairs??

    No wonder she became head of the IMF!!


  2. It is Christine Lagarde, not Christine Legarde.


  3. @ Looking Glass

    It seems that you have trivialized my calls by conveniently overlooking the strategies in which the government can employ by initiating strategic measures such as subsidizing key goods and services to sprout industries. Never was I calling for the government to become ACTIVE within the “Private Sector”. I have full knowledge on how an effective economy works I just have a discrepancy with the fact that you pointed out; THE OVERWHELMING FOREIGN PRESENCE WITHIN BIM’S DOMESTIC ECONOMIC MARKETS!

    I have already made mention on the government’s need to OVERHAUL our nation’s education system in order to equip our nation’s children with the proper tools and skills to GET and STAY GLOBALLY COMPETITIVE (something we have yet to achieve). I have BEEN calling for the government to shift its focus from a service based economy to a productive one by using AGRICULTURE as a stepping stone You are essentially vomiting the same principles that I have been fighting so hard to convey to the hardened readers of this site.

    You essentially have “proven” no one wrong; but rather, echoed truths looonnnggg touted on BU and within the academic world of Bim.

    That is, If I AM in fact reading your comment about my prior suggestions correctly…

  4. Am I the only one who feels that the contributions made by the PDC are virtually undecipherable due to the high level of redundancies as well as long spells of clouded diction with sparse solid facts and developed logic?

    (-_-‘) I’m only asking here….

  5. By the way Enuff the BLP did not build the Hall of Justice. Nor did it ‘repair’ and renovate the West Wing of Parliament.”

    just for clarification looking glass. who did?

  6. If ya listen to some of wunna neophytes, ya wud think the BLP never do anything for Barbados. But everyone under 35 years old will tell you that OSA is the best PM they know. Out of respect to education, they allow the DLP to resonate with them but by far it is OSA. And I hope he wins this next election. We prefer to go to hell with OSA than to the promise land with DLP because we all knwo all they doing is making promises.

  7. A long post and a long first comment. Uh struggling here on a bank holiday…

  8. In addition to the fact that there is and can be NO MONEY COST/BENEFIT TO ANY ENTITY IN simply transferring money – in whatever ways it is done – from itself to any other entity, whether it is from the private sectors to public sectors, or vice a versa, in Barbados, there is the disgusting experience of ALL INCOME, PAYMENT AND TRANSFER HOLDERS ( or their representatives ) in Barbados – and which is supported by a few jokers inside and outside of government – that there should remain in the foresseable future TAXATION COSTS TO SUCH INCOMES, PAYMENTS AND TRANSFERS, EVEN WHEN IT IS OBVIOUSLY SCINTILLATINGLY CLEAR THAT, AGAIN, THERE IS NO MONEY COST/BENEFIT ACCRUING TO ANY ENTITY WHEN IT SIMPLY TRANSFERS THIS MONEY FROM ITSELF TO ANOTHER, AND FROM THERE TO OTHERS. THE FUNDAMENTAL UNDERLYING PRINCIPLE BEING THAT MONEY CANNOT MAKE MONEY NOR CAN IT COST MONEY (except that one is dealing with foreign exchange).

    Therefore, when these evil wicked DLP/BLP Governmnts illegally force the relevant individuals, businesses and other entities to hand over (transfer) such monies to them (on threat of immoral illegal sanction) there is absolutely no cost/benefit to the money itself as a result of the criminal actions of these DLP/BLP Government. Instead, there are illegal wrongful costs (remembering too when such are passed on) to the incomes, payments and transfers of the relevant people, businesses and other entities in this country. By rightfully obtaining incomes, payments and transfers, persons, businesses and other entities are entitled, to the extent of each dollar and cent worth of income, payments and transfers, to the uses of such monies as these incomes, payments and transfers are theirs and theirs alone to dispose of in any ways they can.


    A future PDC Government will abolish this evil criminal TAXATION SYSTEM in this country.


  9. When the PDC says that the Barbadian people including the same government employees would have already paid for such social services ( whose material mechanical bases are overwhelmingly largely provided by private sector corporations ) and the labour services of government employees (whose material personal bases are overwhelmingly greatly provided by others including the private sector ) – we mean to say that at whatever levels there has been the use by any person or group of persons or any other entity or group of entities of the Barbadian people’s money in Barbados, in the process of the acquisition or procurement of what would again be the material mechanical technological constitutive or representative elements of these social labour services, that it is a forgone conclusion that the Barbadian people’s money was used before and will be used again to acquire or procure another set of those elements, and so too was used before and will be used again also to help acquire or procure another set of maintenance services for such elements.

    Where the material personal elements of the labour services of government employees are concerned, in the case of the material elements, as said just now, they have already been paid for with the repeated recurrent use of the Barbadian peoples money at earlier and later stages of their acquisition or procurement. As for the personal elements of the labour services of government employees, it is a foregone conclusion that they are part of the process of the recurrent use of the Barbadian people’s money and therefore – by having spent their own transfers* before and by having to spend them again – they were helping to pay and will again be helping to pay for their own labour services with the recurrent use of the Barbadian people’s money.

    *With these concepts in mind it is very patently clear the very and absolutely distortive devaluing effects that TAXATION have on the distribution of wealth and compensation in the country.


  10. “All currency exchange rates are fixed.”
    “We do not make our own currency and so cannot increase the supply as needed.” WRONG!

    My friend, you are certainly misinformed. A floating exchange rate (managed float) is one where the exchange rate is determined by the market. The British £, The Japanese ¥, the European €, and the US $ are all floating currencies. The rate responds to factors such as relative inflation rates, the flow of capital, imports and exports. For your information, excess depreciation or appreciation of the currency is managed by the central banks (or equivalent) of those countries
    For example, to explain the concept of floating currency – the Bretton Woods system created an international basis for exchanging one currency for another, with the US dollars being promoted as the reserve currency (new global currency) at US $35 per ounce of gold, while the currencies of participating countries were tied to the dollar. Additionally, if there was a devaluation of the US dollar, all other countries had to devalue their currencies to maintain the parity.
    In 1971, US President Nixon decided to cancel the direct convertibility of the dollar to gold (now referred to as the famous “Nixon Shock”). This led to a collapse of Bretton Woods and the fixed gold price of US$ 35 per ounce ceased to exist, ultimately creating a floating currency system.

  11. “……..A few seem to have difficulty with the written word. Prodigal Son asks if theSt Joseph hospital was sold how could government “be able to lease it out.” Yes I said the BLP sold the port, airport, the National Bank and the hospital in the north. Is the northern hospital located inSt Joseph? …………………………………..

    Looking Glass, do you really live in Barbados? Where is the northern hospital? Are you so dumb that you do not know that the hospital in the north was/is called St Joseph Hospital and that it is NOT located in St Joseph but in St Peter.

    Secondly before you try to pontificate, you need to get your facts right. For your information the people of Barbados still own the St Joseph Hospital, the Grantley Adams Airport and the Bridgetown Port. I dont know what planet you live on, maybe Mars!

    The only entity sold was the BNB. Yes the BLP sold that, move on. Sandi sold BET shares for next skin to noting, in fact many people say he gave away the shares and he gave away Heywoods and now you see the aftermath….At least BNB is still operating and is employing many Barbadians.

    Look dont go there about selling assets, the DLP has a sorry record.

  12. ………By the way Enuff the BLP did not build the Hall of Justice. Nor did it ‘repair’ and renovate the West Wing of Parliament……………

    Are you trying to be provocative?? So who did? I am now convinced that you live in la la land.

    For your information, the Hall of Justice was built by the BLP, former CJ David Simmons pride and joy and was only officially opened by the Dems a few weeks ago. I can still remember the dead king looking around in awe when they came to power and were touring up and down this country. The West Wing of Parliament was refurbished under the BLP government, my man/woman. Who inform you????

    Look we can see that you are a knucklehead, so all your myths are hereby debunked.

    old onions, enuff, where are you to set this person straight????

  13. @ Artaxerxes | May 28, 2012 at 9:29 AM | ……………….

    Good explanation, this is above this person’s level from reading his posturings. He clearly knows not of what he speaks!

  14. “With these concepts in mind it is very patently clear the very and absolutely distortive devaluing effects that TAXATION have on the distribution of wealth and compensation in the country.” – Part of the last PDC post.

    Such distortive and devaluing effects relate to the fact that where the non-material labour services of government employees are concerned there is a tremendous level of inefficience and incompetance in providing those services, and even as such persons – once they remain employed – continue to get transfers via the illegal wrongful actions of government.

    What worsens this situation, is that, at the same time as these DLP/BLP Governments have been wrongfully illegally taxing the incomes, payments and transfers of the relevant people, businesses and others in this country, there is no exchange of goods and services by the government or government employees on the government’s own behalf with those TAX victims. There are no productive distributive exchanges of goods and services whatsoever – which is a situation that – if not stopped by a future PDC Government or any other TAXATION busting government – will continue to terribly worsen the material productive and distribution affairs of Barbados.


  15. @ PDC

    Assume that your party was elected to govern Barbados, can you please explain to me (in few words) how will you be able to pay civil servants, operate the health care system, sustain the safety net for the vulnerable in society, finance capital projects (build roads, schools, etc), adequately provide an education system, and all the other things that governments provide in mixed economy like Barbados, without taxation?

  16. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Where is onions, enuff to rebut this clown……
    This is no lies……taking one look at the article…..seeing it was written by Looking Glass…..just din feel the urge to read anymore….so is the reputation…(lies,misquoting,erroneous fig,)associated with this manwoman nobody cares anymore to read…..
    Where is the ac’s pringles,!s, davids,…………..we all tired of blatant lies and mis-truths.

  17. @ Prodigal

    No time to waste with Looking Glass. Here is what the Grantley Adams International Airport website states:

    “Grantley Adams International Airport is operated by Grantley Adams International Airport Incorporated (GAIA Inc.), a private company incorporated in 1998 under the Company’s Act, and fully owned by the Government of Barbados.”

    And on the Port:

    Privatisation of Port not an option


    SENATOR Maxine McClean, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade and Leader of Government Business in the Senate, has made it clear that transferring the Barbados Port Inc. from public to private ownership and control is not an option for the country. She made her views known as she recently debated the Barbados Port Inc. (Exemption from Taxation) Bill, 2011 in the Upper House.

  18. @enuff

    Agree that LG needs to explain this hobby horse he is on about the port and airport being sold.

  19. He is too shame to come back now to say anything!

  20. Artaxerxes,

    Where were preparing a reply for you but we just lost it. Experiencing some technical problems here.



  21. First, Artaxerxes, you will get a long, convoluted and nonsensical reply from PDC. But Artaxerxes, if after that , you persist with this line of questioning to PDC, you will end up getting wash way with abuse. I hope you have a broad back.

    For a long time others have without success been trying to elicit a sensible response to the very questions you ask and only end up getting curse.

    If I was you, I would just let it drop.Don’t you see everybody else has put PDC on ignore? Don’t say I didn’t warn you. But what the heck, you might get lucky where all others have failed. Lets see their response when and if they overcome their technical difficulties.

  22. ^^Good to know that there are others who agree that the PDC shouldn’t be taken seriously (-_-)…

  23. Mind You that Looking Glass has NO developed thesis as he essentially REGURGITATES the same principles posed by Enuff, OOB, as well as myself.

    The fewl is indeed too bloody ashamed to show his arse around this lot….

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