Submitted by Yardbroom
Mia Mottley MP

A word of explanation to this title is necessary for the benefit of non-Barbadians.  A fly-stick is a “trap” set by young boys in Barbados to ensnare wild birds, it is not a good practice, should not be condoned and can never be justified but in this scenario it serves the purpose.  The Ground-dove (Columbina-passerina) is a small bird with a gentle nature whose velvet-smooth feathers, beautiful colouring and sharp reflexes makes it a joy to behold in its natural habitat.  To wish harm to a Ground-dove is akin to one who sets out to kill a mocking bird.

Owen Arthur – The Master Tactician – with a velvet glove smoothness and a deft touch of which only he is capable, has given Mia Mottley the opportunity – we are told – to reply to Chris Sinckler in the Estimates Debate.  When the surprise of this manoeuvre left the faces of political commentators and the head scratching subsided.  The question asked was why?  To have been so daringly bold and to think beyond the expected, with the agility of mind to play a stroke of genius is why I gave Owen Arthur the title The Master Tactician some years ago.  Perhaps now at last those followers of politics in Barbados will get a deeper understanding of what I meant.

You have to make an offer in your own interest, yet so attractive that the person to whom it is made thinks it is a wonderful opportunity….pure genius.

How should Mia Mottley play this one.  She is clever that is beyond doubt and has a feel for the common touch.  She should play it from the “heart” and connect with the electorate, be statesman-like and hold her ground.  The Nation expects and Mia can deliver.

Rarely has so much rested on the words of a Barbados politician.  Many will be watching as victory will surely come to the one who plays the best hand.  As for Owen Arthur he is in the ring but there is no need for him to lace up his gloves.

  1. @ JOhn

    People like yourself are more the problem than politicians.

  2. Each minute which passes as Mia delivers Arthur’s decision takes greater form.

    Her delivery has served to show a unified front, a knowledge about the economy which does not reside only in Arthur, a perception that the BLP in waiting is ready to assume the reins of government.

  3. David wrote “that she admitted ‘the minister is my good friend’ before attacking his statement.

    Friends and politics do mix. Barbados is politically and professionally incestuous.

  4. @CCC

    Not censorship because all else fails but because you are rude and uncouth!

  5. Chris Sinckler’s presentation was masterful. I now see why Owen Arthur run from Sinckler like a dog that get scald.
    Arthur has never won a debate with Sinckler and probably never will if he keeps running.
    I think Sinckler did a briiliant job in articulating why the government has taken the steps which it has to protect our foreign reserves.
    He also exposed what many already knew – that Mascoll and Arthur are espousing positions that they know are not right economically but sound good politically. I think he was also on point when he reinforced the point that the mangement of our foreign reserves must be paramount in a small open economy and all the talk about increasing consumption spending will only be to our detriment while our tourism spending remains challenged by a global recession.
    Barbados has a good team at the helm right now. The empty rhetoric from the opposition has one aim – to try to fool voters into beleiving that they have a milk and honey solution.
    Barbados is not Greece- we are fighting on! Good Job Mr. Sinckler!

  6. @ !
    Really now? stupse!

  7. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    Carson C. Cadogan | March 12, 2012 at 3:52 PM |
    “I have a female dog at home that I treat better than Seethru treated Mia Amor Mottley.”

    So CCC, we did not know you had a caring side to you. Good for you! We will nominate you for the Animal Welfare & Rights Award. You treat so well and love your bitch so much as to have her sleeping in the same bed as you when the night comes. Imagine a doggie without panties under the sheets! Seethru would get ravishingly jealous of your bitch called “Amor”.

    Hope you get the message as to how low your contribution has fallen by comparing MIA with your female dog! Those dogs who bark must also be able to bite!
    Now return to your kennel!

  8. @ !
    The empty rhetoric from the opposition has one aim – to try to fool voters into beleiving that they have a milk and honey solution.

    You and your party would know about this very well– COST OF LIVING anyone? Short memories I say.

  9. David (not BU) Avatar

    i’m here trying hard to listen to Dennis Kellyman. Is this guy for real? is he on some king of drugs? we as a country is in so much trouble.

  10. St George's Dragon Avatar
    St George’s Dragon

    i just checked out Parliament Live.
    The biggest turn-off is the way politicians shout.

  11. @St George’s Dragon

    It is a style of delivery anchored in the corn beef era.

  12. St George's Dragon Avatar
    St George’s Dragon

    Volume is not quality; neither is length of delivery.
    Kellman is not a good speaker.

  13. G.C. Brathwaite Avatar
    G.C. Brathwaite


    Dream on!

  14. @ GC Brathwaite

    How was the spot meeting?

  15. Mystified @CCC

    “Not censorship because all else fails but because you are rude and uncouth!…………………

    Not only is he rude and uncouth, he is crude and assassinates people’s character cruelly and does not care whom he hurts. I often wonder how he would feel if people say the same things about him that he says about Owen Arthur.

  16. David,
    I had to turn off my radio and stop wasting my electricity. I am now convinced that Kellman is a clown. What he was saying just did not make any sense.

    The only man who treated him as he should was David Thompson.

  17. @Miller etc.
    Sarge, I did not know you had such lovely boy days in Bim?
    Not to the Manor born, I’m from a generation that “mashed trash” for “Butts” and dug potato sprouts but that’s for another day. I didn’t even think of “brek-nek”, Politics in Barbados must be really “cut-throat” .I have to rethink my position both you and Yardbroom are correct it was a Master stroke worthy of a clever political mind. No elementary mistakes like sending a text but placing Mia on the spot by announcing publicly that she would be responding to the Estimates which left her with no exit position, if she refused she alienates the Party faithful and diminishes her in their eyes and strengthens his position, if she accepts OSA comes across as magnanimous by ceding the spotlight to her it’s a “Tails I win Heads you lose”.

    As for “Check mate” it’s a move worthy of Bobby Fischer

  18. Enuff | March 12, 2012 at 6:11 PM |

    @ JOhn

    People like yourself are more the problem than politicians.

    Been around long enuff to have seen both D and B in action.

    For a time I actually voted party!!

    As TV goes Sesame Street, Days of our lives and the Muppets beats these clowns any day …. that is a fact.

    People like myself, lets call us “we idiots”, are part of the 300,000 population (the solution).

    We will fix this country’s problems which the 30 in Parliament have caused!!

    If we don’t the dog dead because those 30 are useless!!

    When last you heard about a politician creating jobs, or earning foreign exchange.

    All they can do is talk about it and in the case of $ ….. spend it.

    They create nothing … nada …. sometimes caca!!

    The sooner we realise we have the solution in our hands the better.

  19. @ John

    That’s my point Exactly!! So what are you doing? But truth be told we can’t do anything without ‘power’.

  20. David says that Mia and Owen have made up,does that mean that Mia is again their chief spokesperson on financial matters ?Where does this put Barbados’s version of Mitt Romney,Clyde Gems Mascoll?How come the great journalists we have would not ask that question of Owen?

  21. Trained Economist Avatar
    Trained Economist

    Excellent presentations by Sinckler and Mottley in their contrasting styles.

    1. Not sure I get the BLP’s position on energy policy. The average monthly price of oil was $33 per barrel over the 1994 to 2007 period, while it has been $88 between 2008 and feb 2012. The price per barrel has nearly tripled from their time in office and is likely to go higher. , I think that calls for a major overhaul of policy and the current policy of sticks (pass through of internationl prices) and carrots (alternative energy incentives) is a good one and incentivises the economy to adjust to a new environment.

    2. Not sure I get the nation’s fixation on cost of living when energy prices have nearly tripled. Somethimes they seem more interested in scoring political points than serious analysis. Do we really want a government to focus on fulfilling its campaign promises if the environment they have to govern in is dramatically different from the one they campaigned in?

    3. In looking thorugh the estimates i see that the water authority no longer needs a subsidy. To me thats progress.

    4. I don’t get why a large well funded entity like the nation is so simplistic in its stories, surely they can afford quality staff or hire in expertise when they need it. It would be extremely rare and unusual for total government expemnditure to actually fall in any given year. Most analysts focus on the defict to gdp. Again a slightly sophisticated analysis would focus on the “Primary Balance” the difference between revenues and expenditures excluding debt service. Many analysts focus on this number because the policymakers have no control over debt service, so the primary balance reflects the choices they have made in terms of expenditures relative to revenues. Sinckler accuses the nation of being spiteful and politically motivated, I think they are simplistic going for easy rather than even slightly sophisticated analysis.

    4. I think Sinckler did a great job of putting the forex reserves and the fixed exchange rate at the centre of government policy. I hope it is clear to the puiblic that in an environment of high oil prices, weak tourism spend attempting to drive growth via domestic consumption can be a recipe for disaster with the forex reserves and the fixed ecxhange rate. I hope Sinckler’s point that the projected level of forex reserves should drive fiscal policy was not lost.

    5. If the unemployment rate is now being reported at 10.2% then it seems odd that the nation has not reported on it. Do we really believe that we have added that much jobs or was the central bank governor correct to raise the questions he raised when the rate jumped fro 10 to 12 %? There was a loud chorus then that the Stats dept was the only body to speak to unemployment. I await the debate or maybe there will be none.
    I really enjoyed Mottley’s often constructive criticism,

  22. the trap was set the bird flew somehow she was to figure her way out before she got caught however in this case she fell short.i listened to the response from Mia and in her ever exuberant and passionate style delivered only what she could best do in campaign style fashion but it was not enough to drive home to the electorate that this government was deliberate in its action and that it could have done much more with little. However in driving home the point that the oil company was not paying taxes until it had produce a ten thousand barrels per day of oil was cause for concern and some thing which the DLP government should respond to .

  23. Trained Economist Avatar
    Trained Economist

    according to my calculations the primary balance is $-392,552,131
    compared to $-517,511,095 last year. I would like to see the government move to a primary surplus but at least the number is moving in the right direction rather rapidly. I would like the major paper in the land to show a little sophistication on these matters.

  24. To all those who don’t know 100.7 gives the parlimentary debates every tuesday including today’s estimates .Also how come the urge to view this on channel 8 when every year we complain of the blocking up of the lone tv station of garbage from the house when it come to budget day.I missing something here?

  25. old onion bags Avatar

    Ha Ha Ha… who laugh last Go laugh best.
    Mia was true to form …..shadowing on the likes of greats like Sir Grantley and his son late JMGM Tom “the boss” Adams.
    Chris were out witted and out matched….you should have studied Econ 101 while lounging up on the hill with your Admin degree..maybe you would have understood what you were GIVEN to read out a goose honk honk honk…..when it smell Parliament food….lol

  26. Trained Economist Avatar
    Trained Economist

    but ac sinckler’s point is where would our forex reserves be if they had subsidized the price of petroleum products and the economy was using petroleum produts at the pre 2008 levels.

    The economy needs to make the painful adjustment to a fundamentally new energy environment and I am not sure that the energy subsidies suggested by the blp is the way to go. to me that just reinforces the stagtus quo consumption patterns. It takes me back to a post some months ago about whether our elites want to adjust to the new environment.

  27. Enuff | March 12, 2012 at 9:18 PM |

    @ John

    That’s my point Exactly!! So what are you doing? But truth be told we can’t do anything without ‘power’.

    Don’t worry about me.

    You do your piece!!

    …. and look what people with power … politicians ….. have done to our country.

    We do not need that power because we have a different sort of power.

  28. @trained economist
    I do understand that their are necessary incentives needed to bring in foreign investment but the point made by Mia in trying to play down that importance of tax brealks must not be left out their for public scrutinynwithout good reasoning

  29. @Trained Economist

    Let’s not fool ourselves, the price of oil has not gone up, instead the value of the US dollar has come down. When the panic of 08 hit there was a predictable deflation and strengthening of the USD but it is the response of the FED via QE, QE2, Operation Twist, plus the other schemes, oh and that 15 Trillion dollar fraud……that ramped commodity prices. Now we are well on our way into a global currency war.

    We have politicians stuck in an old paradigm, civil servants stuck in an old paradigm.

    We go on and on about foreign reserves, at a time when the countries of the world with the most USD are unloading. Gold is asset class NUMBER 1 on the ECB quarterly statement for a reason. We invited Volcker here to speak, and our Minister of Finance hype the man up as the inflation killer, reality is the FED hiked rates to shake out the Hunt Brothers cornering the silver market. Volcker was just another puppet like all fed chairmen.

  30. @ David

    Mia Mottley’s mistake it rooted in OSA prediction that she would fail to make the distinction between the reply to the estimates of the minister of finance and the reply to budgetary proposals.

    I wonder when and be which means OSA will advise Mia and the nation, that her reply to the estimates was NOT up to scratch, all the while as OSA and Clyde Mascoll gets to pour over the rebuttals put forward by Mia and preparing for the real fight. THE REPLY TO THE BUSGETARY ESTIMATES.

    Very clever Owen, very clever indeed. The is manipulation by co-operation 101, basic concept but a highly sucessful trap indeed.

  31. G.C. Brathwaite Avatar

    @ Trained Economist

    I am not trying to be facetious, but you do seem to pick and choose the most simplistic things to comment upon.
    Also, your query on the unemployment statistics suggest that you were not following the data as it related comparative data for third quarters in the first instance and then put them in contexts over an anual period. If you check the latest data, you would realise the overall unemployment rate is around 12. 5%.
    Without being overly critical or drawing too many assumptions on your conclusions, I daresay that Sinckler did perhaps as well as he could ever do, but he was far out-distanced by Mia give the very things that the DLP want to stand upon; namely the building of a society, and the fact that it is supposed to be a caring government and its ‘cuts’ are reflecting otherwise.
    The data that you put in your post relating to oil prices are very very far from the facts. In fact when Sinckler spoke about oil prices, I personally went and checked and knew he was manipulating data for his purposes but as usual he was less than accurate. What Mottley did, was to show that for the collated months the DLP has been in power, the facts would reveal that the price of oil (crude) was under $100 more often than it was above. If I may remind you should you be keen in following these things, after the highs in 2008, oil actually dropped lower per barrel than it had been over an almost 8 year period. That was highlighted all across the international world. It says quite a bit about the inflation rates that are not the direct result of exogenous shocks but more to do with indigenous shortcomings on the part of a lack lustre DLP administration.
    As a trained economist, and I do not mind you taking a particular political side, I would hope that you would not deliberately mislead the less trained like myself.

  32. @Trained Economist
    Yes, Chris Sinckler was excellent as usual. He was detailed and accurate in his assesment of Barbados as a small, open economy.
    Barbados cannot adopt an expansionary fiscal policy when our foreign exchange receipts are challenged by a deep protracted international recession. To go on a spending spree and tax reduction electioneering will only stimulate short term consumption,erode our foreign reserves and ultimately challenge our currency peg.
    It is clear to all that the BLP is clearly putting party before country. Jamaica, Antigua,St. Lucia, Dominica are all in the IMF’s hands.Barbados is not.
    We have a very competent Minister of Finance and a team which is steering the ship through the most turbulent waters the world has seen in nearly 100 years.
    There has been no sending home of public sector workers, no reduction in our eductaion funding commitments, Bajans still have better access to health care than many in the USA and we are exploring new markets and alternative energy sources to position the Barbados economy for long term sustainable growth.
    A brilliant presentation by an obviously talented minister.

  33. G.C. Brathwaite Avatar

    @ Regina

    Please do not answer me. I hope you are not so naive as to believe that the reply by Mia was a one-person show? The ultimate display of team work by the BLP. Do not share the same conclusion as people writing in the media unless you are absolutely atune to their individual motives; that can be quite misleading.

  34. IS it true that we are in a morphed phase of earth;s existence right now that has affected time and space resulting in the fact that elections have been called, people voted and Freundel Stuart and the DLP lost all seats saved 1 (Mara)

    and elections

  35. Trained Economist Avatar
    Trained Economist

    Not sure you followed the debate well george. Sinckler was making the point today that the most recent unemployment survey by the Statistical dept shows an unemployment rate of 10.2% down from the 12.5% you are referring to. He was making the point that the nation newspaper rushed to print the jump to 12.5% but there has been no such urgency to print a story above the drop to 10.2%

    Not sure where you are getting your facts on oil prices. My comment that the average price of oil was $33 per barrel during the period oct 1994 to december 2007, compared to $88 per barrel over the period jan 2008 to feb 2012 is based on brent crude oil prices. you and other readers can go to the following website.

    I certainly never made any comment about $100 barrel oil in my post.

  36. G.C. Brathwaite Avatar

    @ Trained economist

    And I am putting it to you, that Sinckle was speaking about the unemployment statistics for the final period of the finacial year (i.e. the last quarter) and Mia highlighted the common trend that unemployment goes down in that quarter because it is the height of the tourism season when unemployment, even if seasonal, tends to be reduced and went on to provide the data for preceding years. If you do some research and check the government’s sites (the official site of the statistyics dept) you would see it is 12.5 % and same for the Central Bank.
    As an economist, and a trained one at that, and no disrespect, you would understand that you need to give comparative data. A drastic 2 % increase in employment would amonut to at least a couple thousand people finding jobs in Barbados and I am sure any government would have highlighted that. THE DLP HAS THE RESOURCES OF CBC AND THE BARBADOS ADVOCATE, even if they think the Nation gives them a rough time. Come on, get real!

  37. G.C. Brathwaite Avatar

    By the way, thanks for sending readers on BU to the source for Brent Crude. Moreover, tell them where do we buy our oil from and the process. I am sure that you would not have missed Mia’s contribution stating how crude is sent from Barbados to T & T, and processed and we pay a substantially discounted costs — notwithstanding that those prices too are high. Do we want to inform and educate or do we prefer to confuse and cloud? I am about clarifying my friend.

  38. Trained economist Avatar
    Trained economist

    I don’t think that you listened to the debate well at all George in terms of the unemployment rate. The unemployment rates you see on the websites are up to the third quarter of 2011. Sinckler was referring to the rate at the end of the fourth quarter of 2011 which has been estimated at 10.2% by the statistical department

    What price does Trinidad base the price it sells to us at. Maybe you should check that before you start tossing around accusations about people.

  39. Trained economist Avatar
    Trained economist

    As I understand it snicker was making the point that when the rate moved from 10 to 12 Percent the nation rushed to report the rise on the rate but they have not made a similar effort to report the reduction in the rate.

  40. Is it not time we stop the political spin on the Mia Owen scenario and look at the end result?

    Mia has agreed to reply and by her delivery in the estimates yesterday is onboard the BLP train, this what matters.

    The Estimates continue tomorrow from 9AM and coverage can be followed by clicking the Barbados Parliament icon on the BU sidebar.

    Also CBC 101.7 radio.

  41. how disingenous of george Brathwaite to compare the oil prices of years past to present oil prices of over a four year period of under one hundred dollars per barrel .there is absoluelty no comparison.

  42. !” We have a very competent Minister of Finance” give me just one example not two just one of a measure initiated by mr sinckler since assuming the office of finance minister to validate that statement.

  43. old onion bags Avatar

    @!-Trained economist
    To go on a spending spree and tax reduction electioneering will only stimulate short term consumption,erode our foreign reserves and ultimately challenge our currency peg.
    About time……cuz the spending spree was going on like 4 12 years now…
    Mia has made very valid point that ‘Sinkler’ has presented ONLY CONSERVATIVE FIGURES….on the true financial estimates…. to make things look better than there REALLY ARE !!!
    The old time trick of holding back the pepper …to come later in the sauce..
    Borrowing from the NIS…only a short term strategy…yeah right…that is all they leaning on right now….we up s***e creek… Chris you all squander all on football and parties and incompetencies….People will be so relieved that !!! A+ goons will not be there…in 9 months

    Why who does Geese economic writers think they fooling ?Tell them its no bother though, cuz Chris won’t be there in 2013 to deliver any Scotch Bonnies…..he shall but look on !

  44. old onion bags Avatar

    @ Appollo 13
    I had to turn off my radio and stop wasting my electricity. I am now convinced that Kellman is a clown.

    Rocket man(Elton John)……”you are not burning out your fuse out there ALONE” ….on this one.

    At least Kellman…he is the only one, that got BALLS….he put FWD manufacturing @ 12 hr….he is always will to try something with the limited he has…can’t say the same for the others.

    Like Donville the photo Op man,Sealy the cruise out cruise in man,Maxine who give a hoop about a search wo man,FUNDY the Oh, Oh, Oh what is going ON ____,Jonsey the hold Dat demon man or Darcy they too stupid to understand Darcynomics man……a real real bunch of jokers that will taste a good dosage of pottage come Elections and end their long and sorrowful transgressions under a Latin lingoed predilection.

    The word on the street yesterday was >> stupeeees ONE TERM still ONE TERM,,,, Sarge.

  45. The stabilty of the country is whatof most importance in this debate keeping unemployment at a reasonable level. Mia focus on what the DLP has done does not relieve the BLP ofgiving alternatives in answer to Chris .

  46. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ old onion bags | March 13, 2012 at 7:44 AM |

    So ole onions, the DLP got rid of the phoney marshal(l) at last?
    We are left to wonder why. Maybe he had a prick of conscience and stood up against Chris (the master of denials) regarding the 4 Seasons Investment.
    Maybe justin the junior son of robin took our advice and staged a coup against the fumbling marshal(l).

    Maybe the arrogant pompous sycophant received the message from the little children that passed recently and has finally given into the clarion calls for him to resign and ride off in the sunset in disgrace. The director’s fees earned from CLICO should be enough compensation for poor services rendered.

    Maybe the Almond resort management buyout proposal was put before the investment committee too and he could not stand up to another LP prototype. Maybe the “physical deficit” boy is part of this administration’s intention to turn the NI pension fund surplus into a “fiscal” deficit. The IMF has warned these wild boys, but as the old Bajan saying goes: Hard ears ya won’t hear hard ears ya gine feel”. When the baby boomers step up to the pay window within the next 5 to 10 years one wonders what Chris the creative accountant of Greek training will be telling them. But then again he can always hide behind the word of god since he plans to join the priesthood. He better takes his pal Leroy along with him for company since they share the same pleasures, material those are (pink champagne and jaguars, etc??).

  47. Bf onions i think your general strategy might have back fired word on the street is that they would have preffered to hear OSa than MIA Wuh yiou think!

  48. old onion bags Avatar

    @ ac
    Who does the Ole buffoon thinks will believe HIM or anyone for that matter that UNEMPLOYMENT has gone DOWN….it defies all logic….businesses are laying off left right and center… and Chris is going to put forward that unemployment has declined ?
    This is just another of the non nonsensical statements bleeps blunders what ever you ac choose to call it…that this inept administration..just engages its mouth pieces without even listening to their own words ..GOING DOWN ????…going down where… St George maybe.. with.more expensive cars to wash, or at Illaro Court with all the parties that were being held of lately maybe…
    Can’t someone JUST THINK ! is it that difficult to achieve.

    Aside : 8.20 am just NOW!
    Andrew Bynoe now on the radio…. negating Chris….lol Oh boy !( request to him for jobs every day by young people)
    He also say the cost of living is too high..Has anyone told him Carlton A1 Black Rock is the most expensive supermarket on the west coast ? .My point exactly…no coordination on nothing by the DLP ..

  49. One term or not Bajans will have a choice frying pan or fire? I suspect many of them will hold their noses when they cast their ballots.

  50. old onion bags Avatar

    millertheanunnaki | March 13, 2012 at 8:13 AM |

    I does give Jack he jacket….you gots writing skills…take a bow !
    You is a Cawmere boy ?

    Radio VOB 929 again : Chris Sinkler…. distancing himself from Four Seasons…the fiasco continues…..sadly so soon after a Budget…and they fighting all ready…see what I mean….no strategy…wait I aint hearing nothing from __________D ? Surinam food musse got him sleepy

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