Pat Hoyos – Publisher, Hoyos Publishing Inc

Paul Doyle’s plan to transform Skeete’s Bay into a bustle by building a restaurant to complement the others he owns located at the Crane Hotel has had to be shelved.  Doyle has Mac Fingall to thank for putting a spoke in his wheel. It is a little over a week Mac went public with his concerns about Doyle’s Skeete’s Bay Culpepper Beach Houses project – Mac Fingall And St. Philip Residents ‘Fighting Back’ To Protect Their Way Of Life At Skeetes Bay which is pending Town Planning approval.

Since this project was forced to the public at the Town Hall meeting held at St. Catherine’s Sports Club, an obvious public relations job has been triggered in the local media. Pat Hoyos’s piece in the Sunday Sun [19/02/2012] titled ‘Ragga ragga Mac’ caught the eye today when he attacked Mac Fingall for vocalizing his concerns that Barbados was fast becoming a concrete jungle. To quote Hoyos, he labelled Mac’s protestation about how he viewed development in his parish as ‘one of the most awful anti-development rants I have ever heard’.  After reading Hoyos’s article it became obvious Mac Fingall was operating at a level which left Hoyos in his wake. It is obvious Mac’s reference to slavery had to do with the outcome if Barbadians continue to sell and allow ‘others’ to develop our finite resource, the land! The result will be that these fields and hills we call our own today will not be ours tomorrow.

What intelligent Barbadians gleaned from Mac’s position about the West and South coast taking the form of concrete jungles, is to question whether such a policy is sustainable. What is the social cost of continuing with the policy? It has absolutely nothing to do with being anti-development and the St. Philip posse wanting to guard their way of life. To support Mac Fingall’s concern one only has to look at how Spain having invested billions in its tourist product is struggling mightily to attract tourists today. Today’s tourists are also spending less.

One of the freedoms enjoyed by the BU household is that we have no advertisers or sponsors to brown nose. We do not own a Who’s Who magazine which is dependent on the business community for its success. We can write how we freely feel on the issues. Pat Hoyos was out of line to ridicule Mac for expressing concern about how the pace of development has impacted the lives of Bajans.

Development at what price Mr. Hoyos?

108 responses to “Development At What Price Pat Hoyos? The Fight By Bajans To Own What Land Is Left”

  1. @ David-BU| February 21, 2012 at 5:53 PM |

    Are our politicians for real?
    But Dave, wuh ‘appen, man, yuh jess wake up from a long, long sleep or wuh? Yuh eh know dat we pols in Barbados are a special breed in DEM own class!
    BTW, is it possible to get the other poster who signs on as “David-Not BU” to change his posting ID?

  2. @de hood

    But imaging the billions we have invested in education.

    Imagine how we have boasted through the years about our literacy.

    Imagine Guyana and the EC countries seem to have a model that working for them.

    Imagine this ting doah.

  3. @Brudah B
    I neglected to touch on landuse laws in Malta BUT my point was that the pols arent concerned bout dat bring plenty cash and you can concrete Heaven and Earth in Bim.

  4. But imaging the billions we have invested in education.
    Imagine how we have boasted through the years about our literacy.

    Brains ain’t brawn…..this is where powers that be lacking

  5. Waaaait! Brownes beach next?

  6. David BU is not going to be able to keep up with all the hot topics coming left right and centre.

  7. perhaps to attract much needed public attention after his tyrannical tirade against his ertswhile ucal fedup colleagues, i observe sir roy, the beleaguered union boss in todays nation jumpin helter skelter in the skeetes bay development saga notwithstanding that it was his actions that brought the Four Seasons project to a crushing halt with his repudiation of the use of Chinese labour.Rather than revising their labour costs component, the investors withdrew instead as any wise investor would be wont to do. Should Lime stand fast and he loses the current dispute, then he stands to be further discredited after his previous humiliation at the hands of Royal shop and Sandylane and his empty mouthings would be seen for what they are worth.

  8. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ balance | February 22, 2012 at 5:32 PM |
    So balance, are you saying that the Union is responsible for the investors backing off the 4 Seasons project? This is not is what is being peddled as the reason. The international recession (as if it affected the Chinese economy in any serious way) is seen as the bogey man for the failure of this project.
    You better tell ac and Bajanfuhlife that!

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