Read Mia Mottley’s Letter to the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) announcing her withdrawal to contest the post of Chairman

Mia Mottley MP

On May 22rd this year, I announced my intention to contest the post of Chairman of the Barbados Labour Party. I made it clear that I was running on a platform to secure for every member of our Party the right that all Members of Parliament enjoy – to participate and vote at our Annual Conference, our highest decision-making body.

In 1951, the Right Excellent Sir Grantley Adams fought for and won the right for every adult Barbadian to vote. On this 60th anniversary of that momentous victory for Barbadian democracy it is only fitting that his Party, our Party, should enhance our own internal democracy by ensuring that every member has the right to vote. Indeed, this is consistent with section 11 of the BLP Constitution, which states as follows:-

“The purpose of this Constitution is to provide for procedures and practices which are democratic and efficient to the end that all Barbados Labour Party members may participate meaningfully and effectively in the deliberations and activities of THE PARTY.”

Read Full text of Mottley’s letter

81 responses to “Mia Mottley Accuses The Barbados Labour Party Of Reducing The Rights Of Women And Young People And Announces Her Withdrawal From the Race To Contest Chairmanship”

  1. @Adrian

    Not at Deputy PM, not as Leader of the opposition, not as chairman of the BLP, What did Arthur mean when he said to Mia that the BLP party needs her?
    That was just public consumption; nothing would please Arthur and his disciples more than to see Mia depart the BLP stage.

    Somehow I don’t think they will get that satisfaction.

  2. Is Arthur prepared for the BLP to slide in the short term to chain Mottley to a corner?

    What is the role of Payne and his sidekick Dale Marshall?

  3. @David

    I am Tacitus the ruler of Barbados who is awaiting the return to my throne. Let me tell you something my friend, reason and judgment are the qualities of a leader. It is I who give good reason why MAM cannot lead the BLP or Barbados. I sat in front of the cameras and told all of you that she is not fit to lead although she saved my ass from being deposed as leader one fateful October day. It is I that show judgement in timing my return while King David was on his sick bed. It is I who will show reason and judgement in getting Bajans to see that I am their only hope out of a recession. Now to Georgie and his pal Dale, I know what they are after but they lack both reason and judgement. Who the hell can they lead? I will leave Dale to the other Marshall but Georgie, I will personally see that I have his political head on a platter. Recently I sit and eat and drink with him in his house, but he does not trust me and I do not trust him. But it is I that Bajans want to lead them, not Georgie. I resent all of those lawyers, I want economists like Clyde plus he has the same demon that stops me from sleeping at night. I will give Clyde power over Georgie, Dale, and MAM. I am powerful and they all know it, all I did was to tell Bajans to accept that Clyde has a place in my Cabinet and Parliament and now all I have to do is to get that has been from St. James North to bend to my will. He will learn from the damage I dished out to MAM. I am Tacitus, I am the ruler of the BLP and Barbados, I have no room for lawyers, women, or young people unless they sing my praises night and day. Born to rule with reason and judgement, I am Tacitus.

  4. TACITUS | September 21, 2011 at 12:20 PM |
    I am an advance being (compared to you here) from a distant place. I am able to determine source by merely having sight of words and I say you are a female lawyer rather than a male economist.

  5. David
    tek my foolish advice, doan engage TACITUS in na convasashun hare? He is a escapee from Jinkins. De mental van lookin fa he. De man sickkkkkk.
    Murdahhhhhhhhhhh, David de man TACITUS is got me peein myself evva day. Ban ‘e fa ma David.

    I like de line ‘I am Tacitus’ badddddddddddd. you tek you jinkin-tablits fa de day yet?

    Bro Scout
    I tell you in my bajan parlance dat Freundel IN marrid. IN =ISN’T. ya ketch de drif ol boy? good.
    But I whun turn dung a proposal from he a’tall. Jess my kinda guy. Gentle, kind, loving, tall, slim, intelligent, intelligent again, smart, sexy. No, he in got to be handsome. LOL. And I prefer beauty from within.

  6. @Alien
    Do you not see what I do to females that are lawyers? I plot, I disappoint, I appoint, I destroy them because I am Tacitus. I am powerful enough to get women to turn their minds against other women not on the basis of lifestyle but because I am Tacitus the ruler of the BLP and Barbados. A drowning man or woman will catch at a straw, and since I am the only man with the scrotum to demand back the post of ruler of this fair land Barbados, then females and lawyers, youth, they will all bow to me. Even Georgie and Dale will bow to me when they see that I have tricked them too for they are lawyers and I have no time for them.

    @Bonny Peppa
    I love you so much Bonny that I can make you my deputy and I can get all to turn a blind eye to you. I am Tacitus, I can raise you up or I can put you down. Bonny, I do not want to crush you, so join my team and support me in whatever I do. I will not trick you or deceive you in the way that me and my inner demon plotted the overthrow of MAM. Can you imagine I got them stupid lawyers to follow me? Toppin, Dale, and Georgie. I wonder if I did not pull a fast one on Eastmond if he would have followed me too? Bonny, there is a place in Parliament for you next to Clyde. All you have to do is to help me get rid of Cyntie and Rawllie now. The fatted calf for the DEMS but I gine give you dominion of all those women and lawyers in my kingdom of Barbados. Bonny, you cannot lose with me; people like COW waiting to get me back on the throne so we could all benefit. No fatted calf, the treasury is ours and Clyde will be the finance minister although I am the economic genius and ruler. I Tacitus am here for you Bonny Peppa and all women who accept me as their ruler and leader. I Tacitus the son of a shopkeeper, ruler of the BLP and Barbados.

  7. @Bonny

    You too wicked, u is a stuctun meeker, levave tacticus for me, whoever he/she is the too witty and clever with the satire nuh.


    continue your satarical writing, one of these days i might join you in your weiting sryle.


    Does it matter if tacticus is male or female, economist or lawyer.

  8. obediant | September 21, 2011 at 4:52 PM |
    Yes, because Tacitus could be Missing In Action.

  9. @David

    in the next elections george will be beaten, all the money he has cannot saved him, Mia will ensure that George and Dale have a rough time and Rommell the opportunist dont seem to be letting up. Those are the two positions, of the thirty postions that are going to be contested that i will pay a keen interest in.

  10. @Alien

    Yes, I could be Missing In Action, but I am not MAM. In fact, I am missing in action because right now Freundel is living in my house and sitting on my throne. Alien, I am Tacitus and I am the ruler of the BLP and Barbados and I need to be back on my rightful throne. I need to be at my vindictive best because a lot of the women in this country getting too big for their boots and the young people getting to believe that they have a say in how things should be run. I am an economist, the economy comes first, I can buy you and your vote with money but I cannot buy your soul unless I make you corrupt just like me. Can I make you an offer? All you have to do is to support me and never go against me and never support a woman whose ambitions and intellect suggests that she could be a leader. Barbados is too small to let the women have their way. I am Tacitus, and with you Alien, we can have money in the bank and get to rule over all of these stupid lawyers and women. They defend crooks, I create economic growth; who you rather side with knowing in the end that we could always buy their services? I am Tacitus and I love Bonny Peppa! Remember to tell Bonny that she should not make me irritate the allergy, that blasted latex.

  11. Tacitus
    Lordddddddddddd help ma. You gun kill me even befo i get in de House. De watah runnin dung ma face n leg. Lordddddddd help ma. But I doan like Clyde a’tall so I in wanna sit dung nex ta he man. Put me side- a Mamma Mia, Jess tell me wah I gotta do ta help you get rid a Sin-tee n Raw-lee. But I doan like de fella wid de hard cheek bones needa. He name Toppin or sumting so. O gesus croisss n doan tawk bout dah parrat frum Sin Gorg. De bigges puss-cee ta eva walk up dem parlament steps. Looka Tacky, I gun mek a suggestshun ta you; wah bout we forming we own party n startin fresh? Get a jumpstart pun Mamma Mia, causen we like we got bare khunts pun we side ya. Wah u tink? N de onlies woman pun de teem gun be me.

    But Tacitus
    I ondastan dat you whun leh a ‘bottle’ stan pun you fadda shelfs at he ol shop in Rows Hill. Dah is tru? Anyting dat look clear or brong, I ondastan dat you does move wid. I hare dat he does gotta move all de J’s fluid, Dettol n Savlon offa de shelfs when you visit, causen you doan pick n choose when it cum ta you drinkz. Anyting brong or clear in a bottle you does jess open n drink so he had ta protek ya from pize-ening yaself. He doan mind ya pize-ning yaself, but not at he shop. Ga sumway else n do um. Like Illara Corte.
    You gun gotta control yaself wid dem drinkz doe.Sclerosis a de livva in ezee. I wood kno, I had um twice. Yessss, from dem same drinkz.

    LOL. de man Tacitus is a mad mun. I does laff till I cry n whet myself readin he postses. BU nevva had nun sa mad. He is de whole comedy-fest in one.

  12. A note to Mr. Boyce of MESA Avatar
    A note to Mr. Boyce of MESA

    Mr. Boyce, a reasonable start to the MESA lobby, but let us go all the way – a mandatory paternity test at birth.

  13. Oh lord now, a mandatory paternity test at birth? Man I tink dat shoud only come about if there’s any doubt by the supposedly papa. dese dna test expensive as hell.
    I does back Mr. Boyce causen i kno dat de laws a Babadus mek fa de women mos a de time regardin chil’ren. some women in ezee.

  14. Rigged Democracy, Borrow-and-Spend record – proves BLP not fit to be a government

    “Bonasera… Bonasera… What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? Had you come to me in friendship, then this scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day. And that by chance if an honest man such as yourself should make enemies, then they would become my enemies. And then they would fear you.” – Vito Corleone: The Godfather

    “Campaign Donation” deposited to Prime Minister Owen Arthur’s personal bank account. Barbados political elites break laws without fear.
    BLP Resistant to Change, Above the Law and Answerable to No One

    by an anonymous reader

    It would seem that on two occasions now, Mia Mottley tried to use the existing rule and electoral system within the Barbados Labour Party to run for the Office of Chairman of the Party and on both occasions she has had to withdraw because of “RIGGED DEMOCRACY.” A woman, coming-up against an unfair system and against the most powerful men in the BLP – who had already announced an: “Incoming Chairman,” long before nominations for the post were closed and even before a vote was cast – did not stand even a sporting chance.

    The BLP is now functioning like a law unto itself and it must be held accountable.

    Perhaps that is why Miss Mottley seems to be pleading with the people of Barbados for justice and to hold the BLP accountable, in order to preserve our stable democracy, the rule of law and good governance. The very strong is never supposed to take advantage of the weak. When that happens, the society has a duty to act.

    Having become the victim of a unfair system on two occasions now (and after sounding the alarm and signaling to the country that all is not well within the BLP) it is up to the electorate and the taxpayers of Barbados (who pump an annual subvention into the BLP) to recognise that the BLP is just not ready and give it a lot more time to try and get its act together. Secondly, since the BLP does not seem to be able to regulate itself, creating much political disturbance in the country annually, that is the surest sign to the country – that it is simply not ready to lead.

    The BLP seems to be of the view that Barbadians like money so much that the mere talk about the economy will automatically cause the entire country to ignore everything else that is not right within the BLP and change the present stable-Government. But on careful analysis, the BLP’s argument that Barbadians should vote for them because they managed the country well 14 years ago – seems seriously flawed!

    The truth is that fourteen years ago, the world was being run on debt and huge deficit financing, which now have to be repaid or brought under control. Simply put: the alleged growth of the past ‘decade-and-a-half’ or so – was a “mirage.” Plain and simple! Tourists incurred huge debt by way of loans and credit just to travel to Barbados. That debt now has to be repaid and until it is – people will not travel as before. Reduced arrivals to Barbados are therefore not a fault of the present Minister of Tourism.

    Years of plenty but borrowed money to travel or not – tourists came to Barbados in mass and yet – the then BLP Government kept borrowing!

    It played fast and loose! A massive bill for the Warren’s Building; then Clico and the BONC debt are some of the examples of its alleged: “sound economic management.” If after 14 years as the Government and the BLP cannot even pay its phone bill – that should tell you something about its allegation of sound economic management. Vote for what and why? Even after being given time in 2008 to reflect, there is nothing new or fresh about the BLP! Instead, it still seems tired; stale; resistant to change – above the law; answerable to no one and unable to connect with the youth.

  15. My question is simple; should any one person at any well executed voting system be allowed to vote three times on the same issue? It appears Mia wanted to take delegates who would have voted three times each as a delegate from a different segment of the BLP; that’s not demorcracy.

  16. It is said that if you say something long enough and regularly enough people would eventually believe it. That seems to be true in Miss Mottley’s case. People keep saying that she is smart but her actions over the last two years would tend to belie any such assertion.

    Last year she challenged George Payne for the chairmanship of the party which did not make a lot of sense. If she suceeded it would have united the political leadership and chairmanship in one person, thereby placing almost absolute control of the party in her hands in the event of an election. You would recall that the late David Thompson was ailing at that time and some political scientist or rather political alchemist were predicting a general election in the event of his death.

    However, by challenging George Payne, she angered the one person whose vote was assuring that she remained Leader of the Opposition. It is no secret that Arthur and Payne were no friends, but that single act of challenging Payne made an enemy out of him, and you know what they say, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Her actions therefore united Arthur and Payne against her and as a result she was toppled as Leader of the Opposition. She was not smart enough to know that you don’t bite the hand that feeds you. She sank her teeth into George Payne’s hand and for that single act of disloyalty, and no other, she lost the leadership of the Opposition, and she still did not capture enough support to oust Payne.

    She generated enough noise around her efforts to capture the leadership of the party that she brought the once secretive dealings of the BLP into the open. As a result the enemies of the party was able to use the mess going on in the BLP to deflect people away from the inept handling of the country by the Government.

    Again this year she challenged for leadership only to withdraw from the contest and wrote nonsense which clearly put the BLP under the microscope for the seond successive year. While this is going on attention is drawn away from the Government again. She has exposed the ugly warts on the backside of the BLP, which has enhanced the chances of the DLP at the polls. I call that smart only if it is her intention to make the BLP unelectable and she would emerge as Prime Minister after the DLP’s second term.

  17. “I call that smart only if it is her intention to make the BLP unelectable and she would emerge as Prime Minister after the DLP’s second term.”

    My dear Watson, you exhibit remarkable powers of insight and deduction.

  18. DICK HARDING aka STONES Avatar

    The Destruction of the World will be wrought by women so go ahead and vote for women and let women vote for women and such nonsense. It is inevitable so dont quarrel with this submission. There was a reason why women were not allowed to vote.WOMEN WILL DESTROY THE WORLD !

  19. I am old enough to remember that Mia’s grandfather campaigned vigourously against Grantley Adams and the Barbados Labour Party. Also, I seem to recall that her father resigned from the House and the BLP in 1976 and immediately took up a diplomatic posting in New York on behalf of the Barrow Administration.

    Her forebears did not suceed in destroying the BLP, so it now appears that she is taking up her family’s tradition in seeking the demise of the BLP. It is only left to see if she would suceed where her distinguished forebears failed.

  20. Thanks Caswell for reminding those with short memories and informing those too young to know.It was compliments to her father that the BLP got Billie Miller into the House of Assembly and went on to win the ’76 general election and usher in the Great Combination under Tom Adams.Trust me her attempts to destroy the Labour Party will lead to her demise.

  21. @ The Scout.That was exactly my argument about people being allowed to attend the conference as delegates of three organs at the same time.You would be entitled to be issued ballot papers for each one of those organs that you represented thereby being able to cast a vote THREE times for the same person.Is this what the master plan was?Is that the new definition of democracy?Why are none of the other persons seeking office complaining about the system?If you think the padding of a branch list is a problem now for candidate nominations go to a members and not delegates conference with one man one vote and see what happens!!!

  22. here we go again. it’s deja vue all over again. OSA throwing Mia under the bus. who OSA think he is? hey buddy you have really f”up this time. what a way to go i must tongue in cheek thank you for giving the DLP a second chance. You fuh sure is a legend but only in your mind. Man have you sure find a way to mash up and break up the bLP. Men on one side women on the other. Being an alley cat you should have know better. You Go MIa “Games On’ Fuh sure when the smoke is cleared you might be the only one left standing to put “Humpy Dumpty back together again Dumpty .

  23. It is I Tacitus that is happy to know that although Caswell Franklyn who has been known to fondle with the little ones, prefers me over the woman who showed up his mischief. One thing about Tacitus, I prefer them meeting the age of consent rather being flowers not yet in full bloom. Caswell, in many other languages besides english you are a perverted wretch. Be as it may, what is the hulllaboloo if Mia is set aside if I remain the ruler of the BLP and Barbados? When I become ruler on my throne, the new BLP headquarters will be on Bullens Avenue.My new chairman fuh Bullen and Georgie fuh anything once dale bullying his way in. These days the BLP fuh Bulllen’s and I as ruler will ensure that it is Bullens and nothing else, sorry to the women of Barbados. No cocks, no bullen, no MAM.

  24. WHAT nonsense is Taciektus , Tacitus or whatever the name is talking bout ?
    Is this a straight jacket needing individual ?

  25. Progressive
    Mia is behaving like a spoilt child, for goodness sake how can any right thinking person can expect any one delegate to vote three time for anyone candidate and we call that demorcracy. That is such infantile thinking. I’m ashame of her or anyone who supports her with that foolishness.

  26. a
    a eu o hl?anse af og A a aprle ugo a?
    Ev oyi ea’e’?i e ie,bt e-r s’n ehi?ldw oddtiaLa

  27. @Bonny

    yah like yah heading fah jinkins too.

  28. Bonny Peppa
    I hay laffin my ass off at my previous post cause I doan kno wah happen day. i gotta stop drinkin sa early in de day. fa tru. Now ya see why I cannnn axcep Tacitus offa?
    I gine n call AA. No not, Alleyne Arthur. I mean Alkaholiks Anonimus.

    Hiccc, hicccccc

  29. Who are all these dunces talking about three votes at the BLP Conference. This has never been the practice according to Miss Mottley and a good friend of mine who has attended every Conference since 1957.

    The vertically challenged crew are going to reap what they sow in the end. A bunch of misfits who are not interested in the Party or the country, but only their own power and personal agggrandisement.

    One thing for sure, some interesting days lie ahead as the true battle of the short Titans from the North ensues as to who is really in charge and who has the ultimate power and control.

    I see an implosion on the horizon.

  30. […] Mia Mottley Accuses The Barbados Labour Party Of Reducing The Rights Of Women And Young People And A… […]

  31. […] say then that her political party needed to democratize the process of selecting delegates – see Mia Mottley Accuses The Barbados Labour Party Of Reducing The Rights Of Women And Young People And A…. Mia Mottley was again installed as the leader of the Opposition in 2013, and presumably control of […]

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