Attorney General and Home Affairs Minister Adriel Brathwaite

The arrest of the venerable lawyer Leroy Lynch on a 2.2 million fraud charge  on the weekend, has sent ripples through the legal fraternity and wider society. Why would Mr. Lynch, who has represented First Caribbean International Bank, and before that CIBC for many years, sought to perpetrate fraud has proved to be incomprehensible to BU. It will be interesting to observe the Director of Public Prosecutor’s argument.

The Lynch issue has served yet again to catapult the legal profession into the public eye. The recently appointed President of the Barbados Bar Association (Bar) Andrew Pilgrim, and his early struggle to transmit an unequivocal position on behalf of the Bar regarding the decision to amend the law to accommodate the appointment of incoming Chief Justice Marston Gibson, is symptomatic of something greater. Last week retired jurist and former Attorney General Sir Frederick Smith was surprisingly censored on a talk show when he attempted to speak about the cabals which exist inside the Bar.

BU’s investigation has turned up that they are those who operate within the realm of the judicature whose power structures have suddenly become threatened by the imminent arrival by someone outside the inner circle.  Now that the government has shown it is determined to appoint Marston Gibson, some members of the Bar might be seen as  using intimidatory tactics to signal to Gibson his life will be very uncomfortable sitting on the Bench should he accept the job. In a nutshell the appointment of Marston Gibson will disrupt a pecking order which is sure to irritate the fraternity of men in wigs who gather in the back rooms to toss back glasses of Sherry from time to time before handing down their decisions.

Many may become distracted with the the issues being generated by the appointment of incoming Chief Justice Marston Gibson but a clog in the wheel to dispensing justice in Barbados has been the inefficiency of the Court Registry. The leadership of the Registry has demonstrated over time to be highly incompetent. Could it be there is a fear  Gibson will actually expect the leadership of the Court Registry to ‘up their game’?

Unlike the private sector where incompetent and non performing employees can be dismissed using basic performance management tools, not so seasoned civil servants. The problem at the Court Registry seems to be directly related to the Public Services Union and the fact that the now 15 year old Civil Service Reforms have not taken effect. There is the widely known fact at large in Barbados, it is very difficult to dismiss civil servants for incompetence. The decision to shift them other areas of the Civil Service is widely practiced but then you cannot appoint new people to fill their jobs. In such a situation how can new employees at the Registry shine if  advancement is tied to seniority and not ability? The consequence of it all is a lot of incompetent people who have seniority will advance instead of those who have the aptitude and commitment. This is a worrying characteristic of the public service, public sector reform not withstanding.

Incoming Chief Justice Gibson has to accept he will have to work with the judges he finds. Although there is provision for incompetent judges to be removed under the Constitution by a Royal Commission. Those incompetent judges are having to face  the fact that the chances of such Royal Commissions being set up is increased should there be sufficient grounds. By appointing someone outside the “old boy” network as CJ, the chances of Royal Commissions being activated are greatly increased.  The fraternity would be under threat!

Another consideration why the government needs to find the right persons to bring leadership to the Court System is the debilitating effect it is having on the financial sector. We understand investors are not enamoured about having to get legal work done in Barbados. The inability of successive governments through its agent,  the Civil Service, to implement Civil Service Reforms has been at the source of the problem.

With a general election in the offing does anyone believe the government will attempt to make the deep-rooted changes necessary to unmasked the outdated system we have?

We are surely caught between a rock and a hard place. Does the government have the gumption to put Barbados first? Regrettably we all know the answer.

  1. I continue to cite BASTIAT* as a relevant and credible source given the hindsight he possessed on the “EVOLUTION” of the law and how “The Proper Function of the Law” is inimical to the smooth running of society…

    Bastiat believed that – “in all sincerity, can anything more than the absence of plunder be required of the law? Can the law — which necessarily requires the use of force — rationally be used for anything except protecting the rights of everyone? I defy anyone to extend it beyond this purpose without perverting it and, consequently, turning might against right. This is the most fatal and most illogical social perversion that can possibly be imagined. It must be admitted that the true solution — so long searched for in the area of social relationships — is contained in these simple words: Law is organized justice.”

    Now this must be said: When justice is organized by law — that is, by force — this excludes the idea of using law (force) to organize any human activity whatever, whether it be labor, charity, agriculture, commerce, industry, education, art, or religion. The organizing by law of any one of these would inevitably destroy the essential organization — justice. For truly, how can we imagine force being used against the liberty of citizens without it also being used against justice, and thus acting against its proper purpose?

    Law Is a Negative Concept

    The harmlessness of the mission performed by law and lawful defense is self-evident; the usefulness is obvious; and the legitimacy cannot be disputed.

    As a friend of mine once remarked, this negative concept of law is so true that the statement, the purpose of the law is to cause justice to reign, is not a rigorously accurate statement. It ought to be stated that the purpose of the law is to prevent injustice from reigning. In fact, it is injustice, instead of justice, that has an existence of its own. Justice is achieved only when injustice is absent.

    But when the law, by means of its necessary agent, force, imposes upon men a regulation of labor, a method or a subject of education, a religious faith or creed — then the law is no longer negative; it acts positively upon people. It substitutes the will of the legislator for their own wills; the initiative of the legislator for their own initiatives. When this happens, the people no longer need to discuss, to compare, to plan ahead; the law does all this for them. Intelligence becomes a useless prop for the people; they cease to be men; they lose their personality, their liberty, their property.

    Try to imagine a regulation of labor imposed by force that is not a violation of liberty; a transfer of wealth imposed by force that is not a violation of property. If you cannot reconcile these contradictions, then you must conclude that the law cannot organize labor and industry without organizing injustice.

    The Law and Morals

    You say: “Here are persons who are lacking in morality or religion,” and you turn to the law. But law is force. And need I point out what a violent and futile effort it is to use force in the matters of morality and religion?

    It would seem that socialists, however self-complacent, could not avoid seeing this monstrous legal plunder that results from such systems and such efforts. But what do the socialists do? They cleverly disguise this legal plunder from others — and even from themselves — under the seductive names of fraternity, unity, organization, and association. Because we ask so little from the law — only justice — the socialists thereby assume that we reject fraternity, unity, organization, and association. The socialists brand us with the name individualist.

    But we assure the socialists that we repudiate only forced organization, not natural organization. We repudiate the forms of association that are forced upon us, not free association. We repudiate forced fraternity, not true fraternity. We repudiate the artificial unity that does nothing more than deprive persons of individual responsibility. We do not repudiate the natural unity of mankind under Providence.

  2. @Checkitout

    Isn’t that what we do on the blogs? We speculate, we make accusations, we rush to judgement.

    We are not privy to what’s going on in Lynch’s personal or business life but he stands accused of stealing 2 million dollars (BTW the largest sum anyone has officially been charged with stealing in Barbados) so we have to go with what we know.

    For the record many people have had enviable business reputations and histories of humanitarian acts have also been convicted of crimes which seem out of character


    All societies govern by their Justice System…

    The power to punish carries with it ALL power…

    It remains a universal eternal criterion of justice that the validity and justice of laws and all acts of their enforcement require to be judged not by those who make and enforce the laws (government), but by those who voluntarily agree to abide by the laws (all the adult citizens)…

    All who do not uphold this tenet are then promoting unlawful rule by a tyrannical élite.

    Unwittingly, or for self-advantage, they serve despots, abet tyranny, and are the criminal enemies of freedom and equal justice…

    Because the fairness and justice of the laws and all acts of law enforcement require to be judged by those who agree to abide by the laws, according to natural law, common law, constitutional law, and the paramount requirement for Equal Justice, the Common Law Trial by Jury of ordinary adult citizens in which the jurors judge the justice of the law and each act of enforcement, is the only justice system which is legal and just everywhere, for all process of law, civil, criminal and fiscal…

    That is why Common Law Trial by Jury is installed by all legitimate constitutions as the sole justice system for all crimes (unimpeachable), civil, criminal and fiscal…

    On the aforesaid grounds, there is NO* legal enforcement of ANY* law but by the Trial by Jury…

    It is uniquely in the nature of Trial by Jury that juries fulfill the function and purpose of law in a democratic society…

    These are to maintain Justice by protecting the citizen from injustice and crime of all kinds, whether perpetrated by the state or by other citizens; and to uphold the rights, freedom and legitimate interests of all….

    The Juror is sovereign in Trial by Jury…

    Trial by Jury defines democracy, sine qua non…

    Within a Hellenic or modern democracy…
    (Thanks to:

  4. TB again with his rantings. David you may have to do something about this. This is the rantings of a mentally ill person, and I am serious. He is the only one posting the most responses under his post where there is a very small audience. He is not satisfied with that, he has to come upfront here in our faces with his rantings. He seems to think he can force us to read what he writes. Well I am for one who will continue to ignore him.


    “Democratic Trial by Jury alone proffers the preservation of individuals without prejudice in regard to their nationality, race, gender, religion and background.” See:

    (Democracy Defined Essay EIS#10 “We the People and the Matter of Words.”)

    If you believe in God, then you will marvel at His sublime wisdom in providing the natural law’s * simple, practical secular means for all men and women everywhere to create and live in the definitive civilized state of Equal Justice…

    Achieving it is the challenge facing all men and women…

    *The legal and societal term “Natural Law” is a sense of right and wrong which arises inevitably from the constitution of the mind of man.

    The people’s legem terræ common law of the land is derived from natural law and justice and Equity, the natural Sense of Fairness and conscience by which disinterested, randomly-selected people in a jury situation judge.

    Nota Bene: Sane humans cannot avoid acquiring an understanding of fairness, equity and justice. From simple human interactions, children everywhere learn to sense injustice even before they learn the vocabulary by which to define or explain it…

    It is for that reason that despotic villains who wish to control populations into passively accepting intrinsically unjust laws and ways of living, utilize perverted mis-education to condition (or ‘brainwash’) the mentality of children from an early age: viz. the inculcation by Mohammedans into the minds of the very young of epithets such as “apes” and “pigs” for Jews and non-Jews (who are not Mohammedans); the forced, fabricated ‘inequality’ of women under Sharia ‘law’, including that of a woman’s testimony being equal to only “half” that of a man, etc.; statism, socialism, communism “taught” to young Chinese and others to the exclusion of equitable, just systems which promote peace and genuine egalitarianism; the National Socialist (NAZI*) creed preached at the Hitler Youth, etc.

    (Natural law does NOT* refer to the laws of nature, the laws which science aims to describe. Nor is it to be confused with the opposite phenomenon, “the law of the jungle,” which is the rule for surviving by the use of force to succeed in a hostile or competitive environment. This latter is quite the reverse of natural law and justice.)

    The supreme secular morality of natural law pre-dates all the great religions: it is timeless, permanent and applicable to judicature in a universal context.

    It is antecedent to the invention of writing, the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Torah; The Pharmacopoeia of Emperor Shen Nung; the Bhagavad Gita; the Old and New Testaments; the Histories of Herodotus and Thucydides, and other texts.

    It is from natural law that all the universal, eternal commandments (i.e., rules of action) of common law derive, such as:

    “Thou shalt do no murder,”… (and),
    “Thou shalt not steal,” …. (and),
    “Thou shalt not bear false witness” [lie*],(and),
    “Do unto others as you would they do unto you.” (OOOPS!) [Emphasis mine]

    This latter secular commandment stands in perpetual judgment over all the acts and motives of humans as individuals and in groups or collectively.
    Theists like to call natural law “God’s Law.” (AND IT IS!!!) [Emphasis mine]

    The natural or universal law and its constitutionally-defined common law derivative (viz. Legem Terræ inscribed into the Great Charter Constitution of 1215, of which the sole justice system is the judgment of peers: the Trial by Jury), govern government and inclusively and impartially judge all the acts and motives of men and women everywhere, in all times and places, including atheists, agnostics, theists, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, Mormons, Quakers, and, whether they like it or not, Mohammedans, etc.

    Understanding Legem Terræ, which prescribes the People’s all-powerful Courts of the Common Law Trial by Jury Justice System, reveals how, through Trial by Jury, the people at large peacefully protect themselves from despotism, villainy and potential holocaust.

    They re-establish the due primacy of the universal natural and common law and justice over statute law; punish and deter crime; resume their rightful responsible rôle to police their society; nurture the values of equal justice and respect for the rights of others; fulfill the purpose of Trial by Jury to eliminate crime; and they uphold the Constitution.

    The duplicitous legislation by which wealth and/or hegemony accrues to particular preferred people or segments of society is thus rapidly and permanently extirpated.

    Legem Terræ need not and indeed may not be subjected to interventions, disagreements or debate on metaphysics, the philosophical study of reality concerned with questions such as the existence of God, the external world, the relationship between mind and matter, and questions unanswerable to scientific observation.

    Oft-trodden in the history of ignorant mankind, that is the descent which leads to the replacing of the reliable, secular, eternal Principles of natural law, Equal Justice and Equity, and the impartial Constitutional Common Law, by totalitarianism which falsely claims to be ‘religion’ and/or ‘law’ and rule by cruelty, fear, force, and unnatural methods such as those of the ‘Holy Inquisition’ and ‘Sharia’; of superstitions, unfounded opinion, purblind ‘belief’, and personal prejudice in place of detached rationality, sagacity, logic, evidence and factual proof.

    The good news is that the controversies of theism, religions and spiritualism, which do divide humans, do not belong in the secular courtroom of Equal Justice for they are of no relevance whatsoever in consideration of The Universal Secular Paradigm of Judicature, “Do unto others as you would they do unto you.” This latter provides the Juror at all times and in all places with the means for ascertaining whether the act of the accused was definitively innocent or criminal: an act of injustice committed with malice aforethought; i.e., guilty.

    When individuals or groups preach sectarian ‘beliefs’ at people and bring them into the courtroom, they divide and distract people from the universally-applicable, secular nature of Common Law Trial by Jury. They do a disservice to the Cause of Equal Justice.

    Thereby, they delight and play into the hands of the statist financiers, politicians and judges who otherwise have have NO excuse for denying anyone, whatever their personal beliefs and religions, the legal, civilized, secular Constitutional system of Equal Justice over, and for, All the People* – that very Trial by Jury Justice System in which the citizen-juror is duty-bound in the trial, discreetly and peaceably, to swear to convict the guilty and acquit the innocent; to fulfill the Juror’s Duties, including that of the annulment of the enforcement of unjust prosecutions and arbitrary, inequitable, apocryphal or venal legislation. Let us remember that such acts of enforcement constitute judicable crime per se and form a central part of the Illegality of the Status Quo.

    *A natural common law first-corollary to this, is that anyone adopting a thesis which advocates or prescribes mendacity (perjury) as a means of advancing a ‘religion’ or protecting its adherents, is both disqualified from jury-service and remains subject to the full rigors of the secular Supreme Constitutional Legem Terræ: the Law of the Land.
    (Thanks to;

  6. @islandgal246. Ignore TB. I don’t even read his posts. I tried once – and went to sleep after the first paragraph and suffered the nightmare that the World was totally populated by people like TB and Zoe and there were none of you and me left. Not an original idea in TB’s head. You are correct – the man needs meds badly and he is determined to try to force everyone to subscribe to his brand of mindless insanity. He has persuaded himself that he is an intellectual, when in truth there is little or no intellect in evidence. Anyway, girl, if you ever have problems sleeping, 30 seconds of reading TB and you will be sound asleep, but may have nightmares – from just one paragraph.

    I have known Leroy Lynch for more years than I care to think. I find it difficult to reconcile the man I knew with these allegations. I see no evidence of BU jumping to judgement. A man is innocent till proven guilty before a jury of his peers. I am interested to see what evidence against Leroy will be presented and how he and his counsel will counter it. Until then, I reserve judgement and privately hope that Leroy will manage to clear his name, not because he is an attorney, but because I know and have always liked him as a person. I am sure that Leroy would not object to anyone calling him very eccentric – I suspect that he has been at pains to be eccentric for many years. But, in my experience, eccentricity is all I could say of him and, since I am a little eccentric myself, I mean it as a compliment.

  7. David,
    Even freedom of speech can be abused, and TMBlackett is abusing your blog. He is obviously in need of psychiatric help and he is lowering the standards of BU. A word to the wise is USUALLY sufficient.

  8. TMB can truthfully be described as one of the leading lights of the Bat Cave. However, BU seems to embrace all and all we have to do is press the down button. Easy.

  9. TB is another Ted Kaczynski clone. David you must do something about him. He is cluttering up your blog with his nonsense. This is truly an abuse.

  10. Amused have me cracking up…lmao!!
    TB reminds me of Dictionary….lol….love to see themselves type a load of shoite under the guise of educated men.
    One small mercy…….he doesn’t on his sabbath, so let’s give thanks and continue to scroll down…lol.

  11. @ Amused.
    I must agree with you. This is not the Leroy Lynch that I have known since 1993 when he handled my business, and many other people’s businesses that I recommended to him. The man was always straight up. I don’t know what happened, but I hope that my judgment of him was not wrong and I hope that this is one major mistake.

    My heart breaks for him in jail, but if he did the crime, he should pay the time, but so should everyone else who did worst than he did.

    Justice should be the same for all.

    I say, this man is not a friend or relative of mine, my business dealings and everyone else I sent to him, have always been completely above board, and I hope that in this country, he will be able to get the justice that he and all of us deserve.

  12. to david- you are missing the point. the issue goes way beyond whether mr gibson is suitablyy qualified for the job. it is about principle. the govt by not doing their homework dealt mr gibson a bad hand and is trying to correct the mistake incorrectly. they should admit their incompetence first and not play politics with this important matter of jurisprudence. everyone is saying that the judiciary stinks but that is no reason to undermine what little confidence tha public still has in it.they should have the balls to deal fresh

  13. @ Amused
    It seems TB has brought out the beauty of your satirical pen. LOL

  14. I may not be a great fan of TMB, but come on, why do you suck up to Amused …? He is very likely to be a lawyer and with a handle the he has chosen, obviously a very arrogant one as well… just another haughty condescending example of a highly over rated group of jack asses…

  15. @Techie and Fran. Well, you got a laugh. Poor TB. He just doesn’t get it. Too far up his own fundamental orifice.

    @BAFBFP. Up yours too.

  16. Now, now, now. Cant we all get along and be civil to each other even when we have different points of view? When people say awful things about you on this blog, be the bigger person and go on to the next blog. As the saying goes, live and let live.

  17. Hey Terence,

    Some bad news, but we hope it’s only temporary …

    Jack Bauer managed to escape from the Papist lizard-people after the last commercial break. He managed to whack some evildoers from that Australian rigged jury who were being supported by the Baader-Meinhof Gang/Rote Armee Fraktion with finance from a rogue cabal of villains from James Bond movies (Ernst Blofeld, that Rothschild Zionist, was prominent here, and he’s still stroking that weird white cat) who have logistical support from the reptilian monarchies of Europe and the Babylonian Brotherhood (Boxcar Willie being a key figure in this regard) who were told by the Elders of Zion that we should abolish both Christmas and human knees (we’re still not sure what the whole knee-abolition thing is about) so that the Bilderberg Group and the United Nations can establish a One-World Government in which every parent would be forced under pain of death to call their first-born “Cedric”, irrespective of the child’s gender.

    We estimate it will take Jack Bauer until after the next commercial break (say, seven to nine minutes) to escape from the clutches of these evildoers and get back on track to make the universe safe for you.

    But Chloe has opened up that socket into the tyrants’ mainframe, and we’re still picking up chatter, so our best estimate at the moment is that about sixteen minutes from now, Jack Bauer will be abducted by a shadowy cabal of extraterrestrial reptiles working for the Trilateral Commission and Prince William of England, whose imminent nuptials on the symbolic day of 29 April 2011 (just think about it, Terence; just think about that date; why that date?) will surely be the trumpet blast and, indeed, shall summon the awakening of **ALL**!!! the reptilian, lizard-peoplian, papistian, zionistedleristian, rigged-Oz-juristian and Boxcarwillian forces of the darkside.

    But is it not written, Terence, in the writings of the ancient seers, that 29 April 2011 shall **NOT!!** be unto you as a deliverance while that lucky few, that band o’ bruvs, show their mettle. And then shall we not come to an understanding of humankind, a deeper and better and richer understanding?

    For has it not been written, and yes indeed said. so truthfully, as follows:

    “Mankind— that word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can’t be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps its fate that today is 29 April, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom, not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution—but from annihilation.

    “We’re fighting for our right to live, to exist. And should we win the day, the 29th of April will no longer be known as an English holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice:

    “We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We’re going to live on! We’re going to survive!

    “Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!”

    And thus it shall be, Terence, for as those who stay off their meds declaim, so shall the day be given unto them.

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