Eunice and Owen Johns .Photo: JANE MINGAY

We sit as secular judges serving a multicultural community of many faiths. We are sworn (we quote the judicial oath) to ‘do right to all manner of people after the laws and usages of this realm, without fear or favour, affection or ill will’. The judges acknowledged that there was a “tension” in the case of Mr and Mrs Johns between the rights of individuals to maintain their religious beliefs and the rights of homosexual people to live free from discrimination.Telegraph

A court decision which has the potential to shake the pillars of Barbadian society was recently handed down in England, coincidentally a Commonwealth jurisdiction. Barbados similar to England is a country built on the back of the Christian faith. The decision by a British Court to deny a Christian couple the right be foster carers because of their view on homosexuality will no doubt have wide ranging implications for how countries like Barbados reorder their societies.

The learned judges based the decision on the right of homosexuals to equality which “should take precedence” over the right of Christians to manifest their beliefs and moral values. Contrary to a view held by many Barbadians that our laws are influenced by Christian beliefs the judges were of the mind that “Britain was a “largely secular”, multi-cultural country in which the laws of the realm “do not include Christianity”.

BU’s view on homosexuality should be known, bigoted or not, having posted several blogs on the subject. What is becoming clearer by the day, especially for traditionalists, is the need to accept that Barbados sooner rather than later will have to relaxed its views on homosexuality. Careful observation of the local media reveals that the so-called ‘gay agenda’ is alive and well. To quote the Telegraph, “the ruling in the case of Owen and Eunice Johns, from Derby, is the latest in a series of judgments in which Christians have been defeated in the courts for breaching equality laws by manifesting their beliefs on homosexuality.”

The issue which Barbados will have to resolve is how a country operating in a global village which operates vastly using Christian precepts, a debatable point we know is called to action by this and other recent court rulings in the Motherland. Of interest is the recent stoking of the issue by Bajan homosexuals reputed to have sought asylum in Canada citing intimidation and victimization.




  1. I am posting this because it is probably one of the most ‘to-the-point’ articles ever written about the continuing no-rights of the Caribbean gay community. One person who commented on this articles claimed it was an affront to Caribbean-Africans, mostly because he read it with the usual blinkers that many live with. So do read carefully. Time for change!

    And just to avoid the few ‘dopes’ that will probably start asking me or insinuating that I am gay…no I am not….but sometimes wish I was…they are mostly creative, beautiful, successful people who many times live a better productive life than many heterosexuals….their unions usually far more together than some too. Every group within its society has their problems sad enough…and no one should be pointing fingers (those who live in glass houses and all dat!). ‘Nuff said.

  2. Taking this argument to its logical (and probably absurd) conclusion, it would be interesting indeed to see what would be the outcome for a hypothetical case where an atheistic gay couple’s right to adopt was challenged on the basis of their beliefs…

  3. @The problem is not that the couple are Xtians… it is that they can not give equal treatment to a homosexual child. The problem you pose would only arise if the atheists said they could not support a Xtains child right to its faith. And such Atheists should not be allowed to sponsor children either.

  4. Why memtion particularly, that is a commonwealth country, are you suggesting that we should move away from the commonwealth or that the commonwealth society is no different than the USA society, therefore there is no difference in appointing Mr Gibson? Well, you are probably right but the laws are fundamentally different and that’s where the problem is. Are you also suggesting that we change from the commonwealth law to the USA law, where we will have to re-educate an entire legal faternity just to accomodate one man?

  5. Here is a comment posted on the Telegraph website which is food for thought:

    The judgment asserts that there is no hierarchy of rights, but itself implies there is one in which the right to practise one’s religion is subordinated to the secular assumptions about equality.”

    Firstly, this is not about practice of a religion: It’s about freedom of thought.

    Secondly, where did those “secular” assumptions about equality come from? They are most certainly not self-evident, as the Yanks say, or they would be found everywhere.
    The only reason for believing in equality is ‘In Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, Slave nor Free, woman nor man.’ It took thousands of years for Europe to get the message, and Christian Europe only.

    Without a valid reason for believing in equality, the decision as to who gets to have rights and who doesn’t, belongs to the people holding the keys to the jail. As the wheels come off, fewer and fewer people are granted ‘Liberty, Fraternity and Equality’.

    Hold onto your gluteals, folks – the slippery slope is right in front of us.


    10 – You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by
    other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.

    9 – You feel insulted and “dehumanized” when scientists say that people
    evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical
    claim that we were created from dirt.

    8 – You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Triune God.

    7 – Your face turns purple when you hear of the “atrocities” attributed to Allah,
    but you don`t even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered
    all the babies of Egypt in “Exodus” and ordered the elimination of entire ethnic
    groups in “Joshua” including women, children, and trees!

    6 – You laugh at Hindu beliefs that deify humans, and Greek claims about gods
    sleeping with women, but you have no problem believing that the Holy Spirit
    impregnated Mary, who then gave birth to a man-god who got killed, came back
    to life and then ascended into the sky.

    5 – You are willing to spend your life looking for little loopholes in the scientifically
    established age of Earth (few billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing
    dates recorded by Bronze Age tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that
    Earth is a few generations old.

    4 – You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those
    who share your beliefs — though excluding those in all rival sects – will spend Eternity
    in an infinite Hell of Suffering. And yet consider your religion the most “tolerant”
    and “loving.”

    3 – While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to
    convince you otherwise, some idiot rolling around on the floor speaking in “tongues”
    may be all the evidence you need to “prove” Christianity.

    2 – You define 0.01% as a “high success rate” when it comes to answered prayers.
    You consider that to be evidence that prayer works. And you think that the
    remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God.

    1 – You actually know a lot less than many atheists and agnostics do about the
    Bible, Christianity, and church history – but still call yourself a Christian.

    These comments could apply in similar or modified form to every other religion on earth. Religion, like god, is a human construct and needs to be treated as such, i.e. subjected to scrutiny like any other manmade doctrine or philosophy.

  7. @Bentley Well said!

    You have shown the hocus pocus of Christianity! Oooh how they must be fuming and trying to get as much Bible verses to counteract what you have just stated. LOLLLLLLLLLL ROFLMAO

  8. “The problem is that once one takes a leap of faith and believe something for which there is no objective evidence, he opens himself up to believing any kind of absurdity. Belief is what you need when you don’t know. Gods, holy books, and spiritual ideas are all things we make up and just feel are true. Belief is the antithesis of reason.
    Rationalists understand the difference between knowledge and belief. They choose to refrain from the latter. If we can’t know objectively and scientifically, we remain without knowledge until knowledge is attainable. To believe something without strong evidence is delusion.”

    Charles Knighton

  9. OMG!!…..(pun intended)……When Zoe reads this, all hell will break loose on BU!!

  10. @Charles

    Following your argument to a point. The rationalists struggle however to explain creation, big bang theory notwithstanding.

  11. Techie my thoughts exactly, and am just waiting for TB and Zoe with their long diatribe.

  12. The ongoing debate over homosexuality and Christianity should be required reading for all. Could it not be any clearer that the Bible, depending on version and translation, together with a judicious selection of passages, can be used to “prove” any “truth” one wishes to espouse? Why do so many continue to allow the charlatans of both the priestly and lay classes to instruct them in how to think and what to believe when the source for such belief is seemingly so ambiguous? The Ministry of Education’s push for critical thinking skills will headlong into instruction, including instruction within schools, of the “certain” existence of angels, Satan, and a God students will pray (chant a spell) to help them make moral decisions in life and to keep evil influences away, a God who will severely punish them if they do not meet his standards. How novel; critical thinking and sorcery under one roof !

    There is something inherently insulting about the proposition that we’d be incapable of choosing right from wrong if we didn’t fear that a capricious despot up in the sky would condemn us to hell. But the biggest flaw in this argument is its assumption that belief in God does make its adherents choose good behaviour over bad. If that were the case, this world —which is full of believers —- would be a far better place. In God’s name humans have slaughtered infidels, enslaved millions from other tribes, burned witches, persecuted those who were “different” and mutilated the genitalia of defenseless children. (Hardly an exhaustive list —–feel free to add your own atrocities). If that’s the morality we’d be lacking in a Bible-less and Godless world, I am all for it.

    Charles Knighton

  13. The man wiv no name!! Avatar
    The man wiv no name!!

    I tell yuh Britain gone mad but yuh wun believe me, now c??? News to me that Britain ent a christian country. maybe it’s a muslim one! steupse!

  14. In a related matter:

    EU court bans insurance sex discrimination



    The Associated Press
    Tuesday, March 1, 2011; 6:41 AM

    BRUSSELS — The European Union high court ruled Tuesday that insurers and pension plans cannot offer different contracts for men and women because that amounts to sex discrimination.

    Under Tuesday’s ruling, women drivers across Europe would see their car insurance costs rise even though they are considered safer on the road. Pension and medical insurance plans would have to change when the new rules become effective from Dec. 21, 2012.

    Insurers grudgingly accepted the ruling, but say the change will be bad for customers and maintain their current policies are fair. They insist that the typically longer lives of women should be taken into account when offering life insurance policies, for instance.

    Full Article

  15. @Charles

    You have eloquently posited the view which Chris Halsall often tables on BU i.e. challenging those who operate based on a ‘leap of faith”, interesting indeed.

    Many believe the ‘scientist view’ can be challenged if one accepts the role spirituality plays in our lifes. Spirituality in this case is not defined by its religious definition.

  16. @BU.David: “Many believe the ‘scientist view’ can be challenged if one accepts the role spirituality plays in our lifes. Spirituality in this case is not defined by its religious definition.

    Just to be clear, I don’t have a problem with anyone believing in anything they want, so long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else and the believer(s) is open to and is willing to honestly debate challenges to their belief system. And to admit they might be wrong.

    This, fundamentally, is the Scientific Method.

    Science and Religion (and one Religion vs. another Religion) are not actually at War. It is only the when the extremists (of any of the various camps) enter the picture that it appears to be so.

    (Plus, let’s face it — there’s a lot of money to be made during War.)

  17. @David | March 1, 2011 at 8:39 AM |
    reference the posting on the Telegraph website march 01 which includes the statements “…where did those secular assumptions about equality come from? The only reason for believing in equality is in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, Slave nor Free, woman nor man.”

    Secular assumptions of democracy and equality were largely Greek constructs thousands of years before Christ. The problem with the Greek thinking on equality was that it applied if one were a Greek citizen, all others need not apply. The Telegraph writer posits a parallel system wherein belief in equality applies applies only to those of a Christian persuasion. Both assume outsiders were either too ignorant or too barbaric to appreciate equalities nuances.

  18. Correction the above is from Charles Knighton

  19. To condone homosexuality is evil. To love all men is righteous. To be patient with all men is holy.

    When a gay couple desires children wouldn’t a male and female egg have to fertilize whether by test tube or the sexual act or implantation. Man and woman produce children. When you can prove to me, that beyond a shadow of a doubt, a gay couple can produce children I will accept that homosexuality is a natural part of healthy living.

    No apologies. Homosexuality is an unhealthy act and it is contrary to nature and God’s will. The Creator designed, created and provided for male and female to become one and reproduce.

    We have a choice. I choose the way of the Almighty God. Is that discrimination? Does the homosexual accept christianity’s belief that man and woman should be together exclusively? No. Then do they discriminate? What a man and woman can conceive there is no way under this sun that a man with a man can achieve through consummation – that is fundamental to reproduction which was The Creator’s instruction to the couple.

  20. Don’t want this conversation to go esoteric which from experience will raised the ire of some members of the BU family.

    The difficulty BU has with the gay debate is – to what extent are we prepared to accept homosexuality on the basis of freedom to engage in lifestyles of choice versus that of a genetic difference.

  21. @Different: “To condone homosexuality is evil.


    Do please note that the definition of “homosexuality” is same-sex attraction and/or sexual relations.

    Please do tell us where in the Bible Lesbianism is forbidden.

  22. Charles S.Cadogan Sr Avatar
    Charles S.Cadogan Sr

    @ David
    This whole situation is very interesting. As far as I can remember Christianity seem to be like a double edged sword;
    From a boy I have, and still is doing my best to understand Genesis. Which is according to the bible is the starting of creation. It was first Adam. Then it was Eve. They became sexually involved and had two sons, Caine and A’bel . But Cain killed his brother A’bel. A he was banish to the land of Nod, and there he found his wife; Now through out the beginning no mention was ever made about anyone but Adam and Eve. But now another female shows up without any explanation of to how she came to be. Then we move on to the cleansing of the Earth because man had messed up. So GOD told Noah to build this boat, and bring two of everything along with his family. After that the world was populated by Noah and his children; This book that’s so important to many has some discrepancies; I am not going to even try to understand about it anymore. But I can see that most of this is about the European’s way of life for sure. Homosexuality was going on from way,way back in time; The funny part to all this is that it seems ok with in the church, since many of them are into the homosexuality; Right here at home in the US a catholic school is closing because they has paid out so much money for all the mess the priest has done to all the young boys; Things are very much out of hand, and getting worse. I can see where Bentley is going, and I respect both him, Islandgal246, and Kinghton,s views. It seems to be getting worse instead of better; So at this point in time we need so kind of DIVINE INTERVENTION towards change;

  23. @Charles Cadogan “Islandgal246, and Kinghton,s views. It seems to be getting worse instead of better;”

    Please enlighten me Sir Charles. You say that my views are getting worse instead of any better. Why? Is it because your views the correct ones? Or is it not that I cannot see this subject YOUR way? LOL this is so typical of people narrow minded people like you who believe that they are the only ones with the truth.

  24. @ Charles S Cadogan

    Are my views and Knightons views making you THINK? Are you afraid of THINKING differently? Are you AFRAID of seeing that you may be WRONG?

  25. To neurophysiologists who research cognitive functions, the emotionally driven appear to suffer from cognitive deficits that mimic certain types of brain injuries.

    Charles’ post was posted as a separate blog here.


  26. @islandgal246: “Studies have shown that we are actually biased in our visual perception —- literally how we see the world—- because of our belief systems. This cognitive bias is not an occasional problem. It is a systematic source of errors.

    Could you please, “islandgal246”, cite these studies?

    Who were the authors? Who were on the supervisory committees?

    Who published them?

  27. @Bentley
    all of what you stated can be applied to the Muslim faith, so what is your point, and the Muslims don’t even acknowledge homosexuals.

  28. @Christopher
    Genesis Chp 1
    27 So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.

    28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

    The word lesbian can refer to a woman’s identity, to desire, or to activity between women. (Taken from google) Which explains not just same attraction but taking that attraction to female/female sexual relations.

    God condones male and female sexual behaviour.

    Christopher where in the Bible does God condone female with female sexual behaviour?

  29. @FRAN et al…

    At the end of the day, a British High Court handed down a secular decision on a touchy subject which will have ramifications around the world.

    How will you et al deal with it?

  30. All religions are endogamous in their doctrines, they do not entertain or accept external influences, so my question is why the focus on Christianity and not the others? is there truly an agenda to suppress Christianity and isn’t it laughable to speak of equality when the whole concept of equality comes from the teachings of Christ? LOL ‘remember he taught us this ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. He was the first judge that pronounced justice on the earth. The concept of the law came from him.

  31. @David
    “to what extent are we prepared to accept homosexuality on the basis of freedom to engage in lifestyles of choice versus that of a genetic difference.”

    I said earlier ‘we have a choice’. Homosexuality, lesbianism is a choice. I have read that at sometimes due to dual organs individuals can born looking very female, however, the dominant male organs that were dormant at birth can develop. I do not in any way refute that, and, to that I have no comment. However, where an individual makes a choice to have same sex relations – it is his/her personal choice. It does not change the faith of Christians who also have a choice.

  32. @Different: “Christopher where in the Bible does God condone female with female sexual behaviour?

    That wasn’t the question asked. A question which I note you haven’t answered.

    Please answer the question.

    And, further, please answer this:

    Where in the Bible does God condone the use of electricity?

    Where in the Bible does God condone the use of low-frequency photons?

    For Jesus’ sake, where in the Bible does God condone the use of Gravity???

  33. @David
    In his book “Gay Christians, A Moral Dilemma” Peter Coleman posited Page 17 ‘The physical distinction between male and female results genetically from the chromosomal pattern established at conception.’ page 18 ‘Chromosomal abnormalities occur in a small number of conceptions where an extra or missing chromosome leads to untypical development.’ page 19 ‘When hormonal chemistry is not balanced in the normal way, variations in development of the internal and external sex organs takes place, and this leads to various kinds of inter-sexual characteristics. A person may grow up with apparently male or female external genitalia, but in fact have the opposite chormosomal pattern.’ He explained in this same chapter how ‘sex-change’ can be effected through medical intervention.

  34. @islandgal246: 2011.03.01:1554…

    Thanks for being able to answer a challenge….

  35. @David. I applaud your position, your exposition and your caution and your reality.

    The question to my mind is simply, “What is best for the child?” The Court has to take into account the effect on the child should it have the genetics that render it homosexual. The duty of the State is towards the child, not the parents.

    I agree with the court. It cannot afford to take the chance on any child turning out to be homosexual and then subjected to mental and maybe even physical abuse by adoptive parents because of it.

    That the leaders of the Church of England should not see and applaud this point when almost 70% of its clergy are practicing homosexual is perverse. Worse, it displays and extremism on the same level as its counterparts in other religions.

    I dislike public displays of sexual preferences of any kind. However, the gay community has had an Everest to climb in terms of equal rights. This always brings out the extremists who, job done, are reluctant to return to anonymity. Consider that we are, almost all of us, descended from slaves and had it not been for extremists, we would be no further ahead. For women in our society it has been even more difficult to attain equality and only by dint of extremists is that cause being advanced. So, while I may regret the extremism, I see its necessity.

    Many years ago, I went to see the movie Ghandi. Magnificent movie. However, the one part that left me with a lasting impression was when a killer of Muslim’s was asked how he could atone for his sins. Ghandi told him to adopt a Muslim orphan, but to raise him as a Muslim. How sad that the man-appointed leaders of the Church of England and, indeed, of other religions, have not the wit nor the wisdom nor the charity to attain the heights of one who was divinely inspired.

    However, how heartening that the British courts have got the message. I suspect that the Almighty and his Son are applauding the the Courts, not their man-appointed representatives on earth.

  36. Charles S.Cadogan Sr Avatar
    Charles S.Cadogan Sr

    @ Islandgal246.
    NO, No, I am not commenting on the views of Knighton and yourself in any way form or fashion. I do agree with you. I was only saying that the situation seems to be getting worse; Every since I have seen your comments. I have respected them. So Please don’t get me wrong;

  37. @ Christopher
    I read in the Bible somewhere that Jesus said that if one returned from the dead they would not believe. Upon that note, with you, I rest my case.

  38. Charles S.Cadogan Sr Avatar
    Charles S.Cadogan Sr

    @ Islandgal246
    Wow you have jumped the gun for sure in regards to what I’ve said about things getting worse. Has nothing to do with what you or the brother Knighton said. I did agree with it, and added that things were getting worse in regards to the way people are living today;
    Allow me to enlighten you about myself. I will go to my grave for what I believe in. The only thing that’s promised is death. I have no fear of, or for anything; We are all saying what, and how we feel, and this is what makes the world revolve. Different opinions. The funny part of it is I agreed with what you said in the first place;

  39. @Different: “I read in the Bible somewhere that Jesus said that if one returned from the dead they would not believe.

    Wow. Such authority!!! I can certainly put that against a database query…


    Weirdly, I’m almost missing Zoe….

  40. @ Charles Cadogan

    My humblest apologies to you. Please forgive my error. I re – read your post and indeed I jumped the gun.

  41. If I wasn’t before…..I am convinced now!!

    ReLIEgion IS the cause most of the problems in the world!!
    Every topic, every discussion, comes a full circle to this point…..doubt me?
    Read BU!!

  42. @ Techie

    Love it ! LOLLLLLL I have long time come to this conclusion as well. Instead of many affecting the change that is needed they prefer to take the easy way out and ask someone they have never seen nor heard. Many are too lazy to take responsibility and leave everything to their GOD.

  43. Homosexuality Trumps Christianity In British High Court |…

    Here at World Spinner we are debating the same thing……

  44. What does a high court ruling in Britain have to do with Bim? Don’t we have our own courts? Culture? Way of life? Are we going to jump on their bandwagon cause they have a superior point of view or something?
    That being said, the ruling makes no sense. How can you deny a couple a child because they are Christian? You could as well outlaw adoptions period cause everybody chooses to believe in something even if it is to be atheist. I’ll bet you don’t see them denying a Muslim couple an Arab baby because of their ‘backward’ beliefs. I lived in England, I know what they are like. The Establishment are waaay too terrified of that group to ever cross them. Christians are easy to pick on cause they don’t generally bomb the tube. You would think children don’t starve to death chained to bathtubs in Britain with the amount of attention they pay to their rights.
    Still, that country is no stranger to ridiculous judgments passed in the law courts. You should see the tiny sentences they give to people who rape children, then spend a fortune paying people to follow them around when they let them out early in case they re-offend.
    Why we treat that country like it is the standard for intelligent thinking is beyond me.

  45. @ islandgal…..

    Glad you see it also…there is hope


    You must be new for real… born, new comer… testament…lol.

  46. @new

    Are you aware that Barbados final court of appeal is out of England?

  47. @ David
    Is it really? Bim is not signed up to the CCJ? We are still running to Britain to resolve court cases?
    Well, that says it all.

  48. @New
    Which judicial system does Barbados follow?
    You are really new to this forum. Welcome and please come with an open mind. This is where ideas and concepts are discussed and exchanged. This is a learning experience.

  49. @new

    The CCJ is the final court for matters pertaining to the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas.

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