Submitted by Terence Blackett
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights …Declaration of Independence

In a preamble to my current book manuscript on the issue of “race relations” entitled ‘Unmasking The Phantom’: The Race Factor – Exposing The Problems Of Race Relations In America – it dawned on me based on a recent documentary by a very highly respected Black British journalist that this was the one area that I had not given enough academic resonance to, due in part to the dangerous minefield that has been created around this incendiary narrative.

Race and IQ have created many enemies across the academic as well as the social divide. The most damaging and soul-destroying accusation that can be levelled at any human being is to be classified as sub-human because of a range of numbers on an IQ sliding scale (reference made to the Australian Aborigines).

But first let us examine the social anthropology and the ethno-genesis on this questionable area of science which posits this notion of a hierarchy of intelligence between the “races” while creating a subjugation of the Black race, relegating them to the furthest end of this ideological spectrum.

There are many questions to be answered by social scientists, social policy experts and politicians who continue to bury their heads in the sand over this contention issue – most of them wanting to play the political correctness game as a form of appeasement.

For example, in Britain, the US and Canada – predominate 1st world countries where with an increasing Black population – can governments and policy-makers continue to overlook the escalating problems of Black underachievement in schools and an increasing marginalization of Black males who are jobless, incarcerated, disillusioned and teeter-tottering on the periphery of society resulting in sub-cultural strands of behaviour and exploitation defined as a “hip-hop, Gen-ex generation?

But before I begin to rant about the structural inequalities and the social transmogrification of opportunity based on privilege, class and elite meritocracy – let us go back and look at the paradigms of social anthropology and how the narrative and the dialogue on racial IQ and intelligence became such a medium of contention and how the dumming down of this issue even within academic circles is seen as intellectual terrorism – where the use of the enemy is not a suicide bomber who straps plastic explosives to a vest but rather uses the corollary of subtle genetic science to plant incendiary devices within the minds of groups of people to maintain an ongoing status quo.

In one of the earliest documented records of ideas on race, we find in the writings of Herodotus, the ‘father of History’ – writing approximately 440 B.C.E. where he researched marvellous histories of people such as Egyptians and Ethiopians describing many Africans as having black skin and wholly hair. But on occasion, he refers to people that were not Greek – mainly yellow and black people, as “barbarians.” However, it should be noted people of other cultures at that time also regarded those not of their own group as barbarians.

The scientific and academic avenues of inquiry on intelligence according to race have been studied from numerous angles – for example, Psychology, Epidemiology, Statistics, Phrenology, Palaeontology, Anthropology, Eugenics (not only the Nazis used this “science”), Forensics, Social Darwinism, Biomedicine and of course, Genetics are sciences that have all contributed to the hundreds of studies on, surrounding, or motivated by this topic on IQ and race.

The German-Jewish scholar and professor at Columbia University in New York City Franz Boas (1858–1942), persuaded anthropologists to drop their 19th century belief that there were largely insuperable differences between the major human races – differences that, it had been thought, could not even be decreased by interbreeding.

Boas did a job of social engineering the direction that social anthropology would take, however, the duplicity was apparent due in the most part to the already established ideas brought over from the Enlightenment Period.

For example, during the European Enlightenment, great philosophers such as Germany’s Immanuel Kant and Scotland’s David Hume were quite sure there were major and deep-seated racial differences between Blacks and Whites. In fact, Kant wrote in [1764]:

The Negroes of Africa have received from nature no intelligence that rises above the foolish. Hume invites anyone to quote a single example of a Negro who has exhibited talents. He asserts that among the hundred thousands of blacks who have been seduced away from their own countries, although very many of them have been set free, yet not a single one has ever been found that has performed anything great whether in art or science or in any other laudable subject; but among the whites, people constantly rise up from the lowest rabble and acquire esteem through their superior gifts.”

If in modern American society today, a Black president did not sit comfortably in the White House in Washington DC – this Kantian statement would have been a soliloquy of sorts for many disillusioned Blacks around the world – not just in so-called 1st world countries.

But before anyone screams “intellectual tyranny” – let’s look at the mounting evidence on this issue on the science of intelligence and whether Black falls unceremoniously at the bottom of the league table in blinding disparity to both Whites and Asians and what is the real truth behind these claims.

Is there an inconvenient TRUTH* here for people of color to answer? And if so, how do we deal with its ramifications? And finally, is enough being done to level the playing field?

At the forefront in this debate is British born John Philippe Rushton who is a psychology professor at the University of Western Ontario in Canada and most widely known for his work on intelligence and racial differences, particularly his book “Race, Evolution and Behaviour”. His work in this area is highly controversial, and has been criticized by other researchers and civil rights organisations as being poorly researched and racist in nature.

He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American, British, and Canadian Psychological Associations. In 1988, he was made a Fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. He has been head of the Pioneer Fund since 2002.

Rushton’s academic position is clear – Blacks are intellectually inferior due to genetic make-up; the size of their brains happen to be smaller; they have larger genitals – making them more promiscuous than whites or other groups.

Rushton’s scientific neo-Nazi ideology is couched in language that gives it a guise of academic acceptability but has been reprehensible in many quarters. Rushton’s key arguments enter a segregationist domicile where Blacks are seen as an inferior (Straw Man – just different) race; where Africans are portrayed as being far less intelligent than Caucasian or Asian folks.

His neoDarwinist evolutionary-type theory posits this malodorous Malthusian notion of “survival strategy” where Africans supposedly do not rely on cognitive ability for the propagation of their species – but rather on promiscuous sexual breeding, intermarriage and mass polygamy.

The perpetration of such massive intellectual fraud, coupled with no real basis where one can scientifically prove with empirical data analysis that has led Rushton to claim that genetically inherited sexual promiscuity is responsible for single-parent families and that the AIDS epidemic among Canadians and Americans of African descent, as well as increased crime rates among Blacks is fostered by his findings.

Actually in the early 1970’s, the Pioneer Fund (for which Rushton is Chair) paid the Foundation of Human Understanding to distribute hundreds of free copies of pamphlets by white supremacist psychologists Richard Herrnstein and Arthur Jensen (The Bell Curve advocates) to the registrars’ offices of universities across the US (and the UK – though many academics would try to disprove the following) in a blatant attempt to influence administration policies against the admittance of African-American students into tertiary education. This has been the dangerous precedent set in motion by racists whose sole agenda is to have influence on mainstream public policy.

On the other end of the scientific race and IQ debate are centrists and assimilationists like James Robert Flynn, Emeritus Professor of Political Studies at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand who researches intelligence and has become well known for his discovery of the Flynn Effect, the continued year-after-year increase of IQ scores in all parts of the world. Flynn wanted to define intelligence at least generally enough to be independent of culture, emphasizing that the style of thought required to deal with problems of survival in a desert (mapping, tracking…), is different from that required to do well in the modern West (academic achievement etc), but that both undoubtedly require intelligence.

The Flynn Effect really threw the cat amongst the pigeons (no play on words intended to offend my Buddhists brothers) as the increase of the average intelligence quotient (IQ) showed higher test scores over several generations (IQ gains over time) especially amongst African Americans. The effect has also had dramatic results on the other cognitive aspects of semantic and episodic memory. However, there are some scientists who challenge Flynn’s findings and cite that widespread emphasis on early education and improved nutrition has resulted in higher IQ’s even amongst Blacks.

In October 2007, James Watson, the legendary biologist, was condemned and forced into retirement after claiming that African intelligence wasn’t “the same as ours.” “Racist, vicious and unsupported by science,” said the Federation of American Scientists. “Utterly unsupported by scientific evidence,” declared the U.S. government’s supervisor of genetic research. The New York Times told readers that when Watson implied “that Black Africans are less intelligent than whites, he hadn’t a scientific leg to stand on.”

Although the science of race and IQ is in large measure based on shoddy science – academics are still somehow influencing public policy through their specious research findings and this is something which must be attacked from all sides on the academic divide. We must only be able to accept science which weighs heavily on the side of fostering cohesion, equality of opportunity and fairness.

Anything less we must tergiversate.

134 responses to “The RACE Gap: The Science of Intelligence – Are Blacks Inherently Inferior To Whites And Asians In Terms of IQ and Cognitive Ability?”

  1. This prevailing piece of comparative prejudice is meant to further subjugate the forward thinking of blacks into known endeavours that can raise their status far beyond the lazy and violent concepts held by whites. I will not bother to comment further on this.

  2. Anon // February 2, 2010 at 11:48 PM

    the brain’s main function is NOT to
    produce and control
    maybe “Anon” up
    above is Chris Halsall
    trying to maintain
    a lower profile i.e.
    BAU – Business As

    How the Fuck Would You Know

  3. Anon // February 2, 2010 at 11:48 PM

    the brain’s main function is NOT to
    produce and control
    excuse typo*

    maybe “Anon” up
    above is Chris Halsall
    trying to maintain
    a lower profile i.e.
    BAU – Business As

    How the F%%% Would You Know


  4. Todays business is driven largely by consumerism. Consumerism which I don’t think is properly understood requires, a significant level of greed, and dishonesty on one end and an unhealthy amount naiveté on the other. Think of Microsoft and its Windows Vista or Me product. lol! They are probably better examples out there. Maybe Blacks have a stronger social mind or social brain that prohibits or makes it difficult for us to sustain such practices.

  5. @PDC

    Mark Adamson and company, I have a question to ask …… With someone who sounds so sound in his thoughts and writings WHY ARE YOU SELLING SOCKS are these socks not from the same INDIAN OR WHITE MAN!

    Why are you not in a better position…… It is ok to talk, but lord man show some action. We the citizens of Barbados WILL NOT take you serious until you buy SATJAY’s BUILDING instead of leaning on it hustling with socks!!!!!

    I am not trying to be condescending, it is just that I would love to seee you truly shine and be a good leader instead of a good talker!!!!!!!!

    I think you have to ask a
    very fundamental question, perhaps the most fundamental question you can
    ever been asked. Why do we animals have brains? It’s a pretty fundamental
    question, because there are many species in our planet who don’t have

    So that’s the fundamental question we should be taught on our first
    day of school. And if you think about that question, it’s obvious why we
    have a brain. We have a brain for one reason and one reason only, and
    that’s to produce adaptable and complex movement. There’s no other reason to have evolved a brain.

  7. Very smal organisms called microbes exhibit movement. They have no brains! LOL.

    It is stupid and untrue to say or think that there is NO other reason for higher species to have evolved a brain excpt to to produce adaptable and complex movement.
    What happens to those folk who have sedentary occuptions for example, and do little movement.

    WE HAVE BRAINS TO THINK! inter alia, NOT JUST MOVE! There are many other reasons why we have a brain.

  8. ha ha ha love Anon. Keep it coming.

    Could Kobe Bryant do what Stephen Hawkins does?

    Could Stephen Hawkins do what Kobe Bryant does?


    So if you think about it the only way we can affect the outside world
    is through contractions of muscles. So if you think about communications –
    – speech, gestures, sign language, writing, they’re all mediated by
    contracting muscles.
    So we need to remember that things like sensory processing, the
    perceptual system, memory, and cognitive processes are all important. But they can only be important to drive action or suppress future actions.

    There’s no point in laying down memories of childhood or perceiving
    the color of a rose if it doesn’t leave you to do something different with
    your motor system later in life.

  9. Anon asked…..
    What happens to those folk who have sedentary occuptions for example, and do little movement.
    Maybe this answers Anonymous question to PDC’s Mark Adamson. We think and say a lot but do very little. lol!

  10. As the legendary biologist Charles Sherrington once said, “To move
    things is all that mankind can do, and for this task the sole executant is
    a muscle, whether it be a whispering of a syllable or felling of forest.”

    The question is, then, how does the brain do it? How does the brain
    translate subjective intentions into basic physical actions? What happens
    in the brain when we learn a new skill? Why are some of us graceful and
    others clumsy? Why does practice make perfect?

    Hey Anon: what do you know about the tunicate better known as the sea squirt? It is said that it eats its brain. Why?

  11. @kiki: “maybe “Anon” up above is Chris Halsall

    LOL kiki…

    For the record, I *never* post anonymously.

    I believe *very* strongly that the message and the messenger are fundamentally inseparable. (Was Jesus ever anonymous?)

    If I don’t talk, it’s because I have nothing to say. Or that I am choosing not to. Or that I am too busy to waste the time.

    But thanks for the link….

  12. Sheesh! Some people’s elevators just CAN’T go to the top.

    Who cares about what some legendary biologist thinks. You trying to show that you well read now? ha ha ha

    there is much more to life than motion, and muscle.

    You ask
    Why are some of us graceful and
    others clumsy? Why does practice make perfect?

    Is the answer because the ones who are clumsy have no brains? And because the ones who practice give evidence that they have more brains?

    Are you saying that because Kobe Bryant can play basketball well that he has more brains than Einstein, or watson & Crick, or Pauling, Newton Faraday the Cori’s, Krebs, et al etc

    You are trying to say blacks have brains because they can move and play basketball …………by practising hard at it.

    Does Federer Sampras Nadal Agassi Murray etc have more brain than Blake by your arguement?

    Does the Williams sisters have more brain than Klisters and Henin- Hardene? If so why dont they win every tournament?

  13. Bad Man Saying Nuttin Avatar
    Bad Man Saying Nuttin

    We have a commonly held fallacy that educated blacks prefer to work for others. Do we ever stop to think about the millions of whites, Asians and chinese who slave for corporate giants on wall street, in construction, in the automobile industry, in pharmaceuticals, in electronics? STEUUUPSE
    there is nothing wrong with working for a company or somebody?
    And as for this create wealth bullshit? Why should a man slave a lifetime so that when he dies he can say that I own this building or this company or such and such shares or have this amount of land held for investment.

    Life is to be lived. Experiences are to be savoured. Work to earn enough to be comfortable, to build a home you can enjoy, to provide for your offspring, to invest for retirement and stability, and most of all to live life. There is no shame in that.

    If you want to join the create wealth rat race well thats fine but do not cry down those who decide they don’t want those hassles under some misguided notion that blacks can’t own businesses. To each his own.

    In Barbados Blacks may not own businesses in traditional areas but that is because whites have had a head start. Ever wonder why all car dealerships in Barbados are white? and why the predominantly black reconditioned industry is sabotaged ?
    Blacks are dominating in the technological areas, consultancy , professional businesses because one does not have to rely on largesse or a fickle consumer dynamic for survival?

  14. they said white men can’t jump
    (but some young ones can now)

  15. In about 4 seconds the teacher is about
    to speak..

    p.s. I’m Still #1
    And number 2 3 4 and 5

  16. I’m so-and-so, I’m this, I’m that
    huh, but they all just wick-wick-wack
    I’m not white or red or black
    I’m brown.. from the Boogie Down
    Productions, of course our music be thumpin’

    Who gets weaker? The king or the teacher
    It’s not about a salary it’s all about reality
    Teachers teach and do the world good
    kings just rule and most are never understood
    If you were to rule or govern a certain industry
    All inside this room right now would be in misery
    No one would get along nor sing a song
    ’cause everyone’d be singing for the king, am I wrong?!

  17. the stuff they are protesting about
    is of cousre what you are not hearing about
    it’s called
    jesus was an african
    noah was an african
    abraham was an african
    all these people were africans

    Boogie Down Productions (BDP) – Live Hardcore Worldwide

  18. ha ha ha Anon you are, well I don’t have any perception of you. Must be a weakness of the mind. After all I am black. lol!

    I love this

    Some people’s elevators just CAN’T go to the top

    Blacks must accept the above base on something called the “entrepreneurial mindset” which we are told is inherent in Whites and missing in blacks. Althought we know of may successfull black businessmen it appears it is not enough to persuaded some away from this view of us. They are simply to many white businessmen as compared to too few black one.
    However when I use science to prove the importance of the Brain’s motor system, to movement, and point to the overwhelming yet anecdotal evidence that display a disparity in favour of blacks with regards to adept and complex movements it is dismiss, and whites who too can produce adept and complex movements are now used.

    Not making an agrument for who has a bigger brain. I understand that the sensory processing, the
    perceptual system, memory, and cognitive processes takes up the majority of the Brain’s function.

    Why am I thinking of a PC’s BIOS? That very small little chip the runs the show? I wouldn’t buy a PC base on what kind of BIOS it has. I am more likely to be influence by the size of its harddrive.

  19. @Adrian Hinds et al (including myself)…

    Please realize that we’re *all* being played…

    “They” want us all to fight.

    And we do…

    But to who’s benefit?

    Certainly not yours, nor yours’, nor mine, nor mine.

    Please *think* about this….

  20. .. whenever ‘they’ lose ‘they’ change the rules again :
    All-White Basketball League: Bringing Segregation Back

  21. white ball players are more intelligent
    black ones are more physical
    which may sound a little unrational
    and dramatical

  22. I understand that the sensory processing, the
    perceptual system, memory, and cognitive processes takes up the majority of the Brain’s function.


    The sucess of Bryant or the Williams sisters relativeto others is NOT due merely to thier atheleticism BUT due more so to the fact that their sensory processing, perception, memory, and cognitive processes are in the top drawer.

    If this were not so, these players could not effect the COME FROM BEHIND VICTORIES THAT THEY DO.

    Relative economic failure of blacks is very often due to lack of opportunity etc

  23. How do I know I am correct.

    Just read the shite that CH (an amelanotic man ) writes on this forum and compare it with the shite that ROK writes. Note that they together equally failed to impress the free trading comission. White brain= black brain = same shit!

  24. Chris H sorry your approach doesn’t work. I can clearly remember when you told me that my approach to dealing with lime/c&w is too confrontational. You tried it your way and it did not work. I could of told you that. Lime like all Telecom monopolies have the same play book from which to continue fleecing their apparently willing consumers. Your approach on these topics again I don’t buy. No one is playing me. I am fully aware of the games being played by you, by me, and by others. I know what I know, and will act accordingly. It all comes down to social engineering in such away that the too fews, whomever they may be and of whatever colour they are, continue to profit from the rest of us. I am committed to stopping it, and I have no measurements of success.

  25. But why is it that the average white person cannot dance, cannot carry a tune, and isn’t as gracefull as the avarage black person when performing a plethora of mucle movements? why? lol!

    We can make robots and computers as smart or smarter than most humans yet we cannot as yet build one to master the dexterity of a 5 year old.


    Much like the visual system, the motor system is astounding in its
    complexity. It controls over 650 muscles, giving rise to an immense
    repertoire of movement and actions. Coordinating these muscles is a
    tremendous challenge, which the motor system carries out mostly without
    conscious instruction.

    Reflexes, for instance, allow us to respond immediately and
    unconsciously to changes in our environment. Other essential functions
    such as breathing are also performed automatically and unconsciously.

  26. Please forgive me to going a strand off-message but I was pissed off when I read the following…

    Wherever you turn in our world – BLACK issues predominate….

    If we believe this stuff is going to go away – we are sadly mistaken!!!

    The question for the Barbados government and the subliminal forces at work within the judicial system- “How soon before we implement a similar DNA database which encroaches dramatically on the major ethnic group in our society?”

    “Also, will CAUCASIANS* (bajan whites & others) be subject to the same treatment as indigenous Black Bajans?

    What say you???

  27. dedicated to chriss
    impress the kid

    And here we are, in the phase again
    That ol’ funeral music, is he goin to heaven or is he goin to hell?
    I don’t know, he’s right in the centre, y’knowhutImean? (Uhh uhh)<a
    Mack all of it, controller shit, catch hold of it
    How you gonna move Slick when cats like solo Rick?
    Accept, yet no chances that they make plans
    to wreck and make a negroman, breakdance the record
    I turned and learned this sequel I burned went
    urgent, mad white people like servin
    Interested with, gets congested with
    clowns, haven't made a record, impress the kid

  28. @TB

    Looks like Black people can’t win. Blacks live in a system policed by Whites so expect the inevitable i.e. Blacks will always have to operate under heavy scrutiny.

    The point has been alluded to before, if Blacks operate in a system designed and policed by Whites, who influences the expectations of the world we live in? Blacks, Whites or both?

  29. It has been scientifically proven
    that white police brains can’t tell
    the difference between blacks in
    formal investigations and identifications

    their brain perceives the black skin
    but doesn’t register any other details

  30. @DAVID

    “The point has been alluded to before, if Blacks operate in a system designed and policed by Whites, who influences the expectations of the world we live in? Blacks, Whites or both?”

    Has 400 years of oppression taught us nothing?

    Why should the world be stratified in a hierarchical system where one class of sentient beings overlord others in almost vector of human existence?

    Is something wrong with this picture – or am I seeing the world through the prism of rose-colored specs?

    (Ad) finally – no misspelling here – what has to take place to bring about racial, economic, political and strategic unity amongst our peoples?

  31. @DAVID

    Sorry to be answering your question with a series of questions!!!

    But 400 years on – and by golly* we are in still in the fight for our lives…

    Men trump the modest gains we have made over time but our native family in Africa and in the islands of the world are still living in the subterranean abyss of poverty while multinationals rape, pillage and extort our precious resources…

    We have more orphans than at any other time in human history…

    We are more susceptible to the goring plight of disease, malnutrition, mis-education and starvation than anyone else on planet earth…

    The more we increase and multiply in human terms – the controls on population growth is met with even greater resistance – everything from mass sterilization, to the genetic implantation of malignant strains of disease, to the subliminal serialization and engendering of genocide…

    And this is the tip of the iceberg!!!

    Again David – where does it end?

  32. @TB

    We can make the observation that our race (Black) is quite happen to have what defines being Black sucked out of them by the dominant race(s).

    We live in a world where globalization (free trade) continues to shape tastes and behaviours.

    Some say we have passed the point of no return certainly we have to forget about a couple generations.

  33. Is racial purity potentially terminal according to genetics?

    Is it better to be heterozygous or is the belief that being homozygous perpetuate the homogeneity of the races?

    What about hybrid force?

    Is mixed race better? What is the downside?

    Genetic questions to be answered in the race & IQ debate….

  34. Here is a basic Mitochondrial DNA map illustrating the migration of humans since the time of “Mitochondrial Eve” in Africa.

    Here is a story about David and Goliath Falling Wall

  35. He’s The Greatest Dancer
    The champion of dance, his moves would put you in a trance And he never leaves the disco alone Arrogance but not conceit, as a man he’s complete My creme d’ la creme, please take me home He wears the finest clothes, the best designers heaven knows Ooh, from his head down to his toes Halston, Gucci, Fiorucci He looks like a still, that man is dressed to kill Oh, what, wow He’s the greatest dancer Oh, what, wow That I’ve ever seen (I’ve ever seen) Oh, what, wow He’s the greatest dancer Oh, what, wow (Ooh, ooh, ooh, wow)
    Al Green

    Ann Peebles

    ✓ Al Green
    ✓ Ann Peebles
    ✓ Gospel
    ✓ Disco
    ✓ DJ
    ✓ Lovers
    ✓ R & B
    ✓ Soul

  36. sorry excuse typo in
    bad link up above ↑,

    Al Green

  37. The Art of Storytelling :
    The Kill

  38. They caught the : Vapors

    Who Killed Jane

    Stay tuned, Nas, soon the real rap comes at halftime
    Nasty Nas
    (Right..) It’s halftime
    (Right..) Aiyyo it’s halftime
    (Right..) It’s halftime
    (Right..) Yeah, it’s about halftime
    This is how it feel, check it out, how it feel

    It’s like that, you know it’s like that
    I got it hemmed, now you never get the mic back
    When I attack, there ain’t an army that could strike back
    So I react never calmly on a hype track

  39. my painkillers
    kill the pain
    like wu tang
    Bring The Pain
    and is a type of medicine called an opioid painkiller. It is related to morphine.
    Is it real son, is it really real son
    Let me know it’s real son, if it’s really real
    Something I could feel son, load it up and kill one
    Want it raw deal son, if it’s really real

    [Interlude: Booster]

    And when I was a lil stereo (stereo)
    I listened to some champion (champion)
    I always wondered (wondered)
    Will now I be the numba one? (Tical! hahaha)
    Now you listen to de gargon (Gargon!)
    And de gargon summary
    And any man dat come test me (test me)
    Me gwanna lick out dem brains (it’s like that)

    Da Mystery of Chessboxin’
    The game of chess, is like a swordfight
    You must think first, before you move
    Toad style is immensely strong, and immune to nearly any weapon
    When it’s properly used, it’s almost invincible
    (Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang!!!!)

    [Verse Six: Masta Killa]
    Homicide’s illegal and death is the penalty
    What justifies the homicide, when he dies?
    In his own iniquity it’s the
    Master of the Mantis Rapture coming at you
    We have an APB on an MC Killer
    Looks like the work of a Master

  40. sorry excuse typo should read
    And de gargon sound a reign*

  41. Knick Knack Patty Wack

    So knick knack paddy wack give a dog a bone
    Aiyyo, I pass Solo the microphone

    Yo, my style’s aggressive, like a pit bull terrier
    Harder it sounds on wax, the more the merrier
    Maestro though, releases beats for me
    So I can rig up a hit and get paid easily
    People, gather round listen to flow
    Yo, so I can prove, that I’m the true Solo
    Too many suckers, have bit my name in vain
    Punk rappers thought I was sleepin, but Solo came
    to so many places, other rappers faces
    that called theirself Solo, I made em erase it
    I’m Solo, no name lender or pretender
    Yo, I am the Solo the on-ly solo contender
    Duck MC’s, grab my name and bit it boldly
    Put it behind they name and ate this up like ravioli
    I heard on KISS, with Red Alert and Chuck
    A rapper said he went Solo, I said, “What the FUCK??!”
    My man came over, and said, “Yo, I thought we heard you”
    Joke’s on you you heard a bitin ass crew
    They bit my name, I want it back, and it’s a fact
    Yo PMD tell em (damn you shouldn’ta did that)
    Now for the record, what do I stand for
    One lonely rapper on the stage, who gets one, single applause
    Give me a break my brother
    My name stands for Kevin Self, Organization Left Others
    My name’s no game for those who claim to use my name
    in vain cause their name sounds plain
    I remain the same, my flow of style won’t change yo
    The name of the game is for the real Solo to explain
    I don’t know was where you ran or came
    I know your vein I hate your name
    You’re ashamed, playin the game that drove you insane
    That walk around puddles, snow and the rain
    With a cane, nothin to gain but shame
    And my momentum of the fast flow of rhyme’ll get em tamed
    The pain of no fame, no title again, nobody but the real
    K-S-O-L-O to blame
    When I S-P-E, L-L, very W-E, L-L
    People all out there can T-E-L-L
    Rhymes that I got, or write will S-E-L-L
    For those who don’t believe me, can go to H-E-L-L
    I’m from C-I, L-I, F-L-Y
    Like a B-R-I-D, in the S-K-Y
    Don’t even T-O-Y to be dat’s why
    L-I-N-E’s belong to M-I-N-E
    I’m makin veche, some rappers imitate
    Yo f*ck it, Solo here’s to make parties sway
    People, I won’t take any kind of losses
    Battlin rappers grabbin the mic and usin resources
    Like household utensils, kitchen appliances…

  42. A native american told me this :
    “My years of Biblical and religion research has taught me that the Bible is filled with contradictions. The Council of Nicaea formed the ‘western’ dogma of Christianity. Church officials were very particular in what gospels and epistles would make up the Bible. Even which version of any one gospel and epistle would be recognized. There was also considerable editing of even those scriptures that made the final cut.

    The intent was to create a tome that met the needs of the Christian church from the perspective of the church leadership. If one is going to create a dogma and a society; one will do so for their own best interest.

    That is why it is so easy to pull a quote from the Bible that serves almost any particular need. Be it for the purpose of goodness and truth; or for the purpose of immediate self interest; or for out-right cunning and deceit.

    I can pull out a scripture, or two, that would even convince a Nun she should engage in sex.

    Toss in the thousands of translated or revised Bibles, and one has an open field of scriptures to serve whatever purpose is desired.”

  43. @Kiki,

    “A native American told me this:”

    “My years of Biblical and religious research has taught me that the Bible is filled with contradictions…”

    That IS not true, obviously the native American who told you this, he/she has read and researched from the wrong Anti-biblical, Anti-Christian sources, of which there are many, who would do anything to discredit the Bible.

    Secondly, their other statements are ALSO patently false, historically inaccurate; they do not know what they are saying; misinformed!!!

  44. Zoe,
    I will forward your response to my friend
    to see whether he reverts back to you


  45. The Tao of Kung Fu #5 –

    What happens is already written

  46. Lessig on Google Books & cultural environmentalism
    Long and interesting critique of the google books settlement:
    Lessig argues that GBS is effectively creating the kind of celestial jukebox that some early digital media analysts thought might be the savior of the content industries; Lessig questions what we lose when we “make every access to our culture a legally regulated event.” Although I’m a little skeptical of the basis of his preservationist rhetoric–for one, he frequently appeals to a mythical library & used bookstore culture that likely doesn’t exist today for most people–this doesn’t mean that library-talk isn’t metaphorically useful to the larger project of preserving balance “between the part of culture that is effectively and meaningfully regulated by copyright and the part of culture that is not.” Still, it’s notable that this distinction between regulated and unregulated culture is challenged by the private regulation system set up by the settlement. Does this imply that public regulators should take it as their task to carve out regulation-free zones so that private entities can’t determine and control access within those spaces? Anyway, well worth a read.

    It Wasn’t Me

  47. Attention: Zoe et al
    Re: Response from buddy above

    The “anti-Christian” books I have researched most often are such subversive works as the King James Version, Catholic English version of the New Testament, Douay Bible, New American Standard Bible…, and a long, long list(well over 50) of other Bible versions. My personal library of Bibles once numbered 23. (It used to blow the minds of the Jehovah’s Witness and Church of the Later Day Saints door-to-door missionary’s as I started hauling them out versions when they paid me a call) (They never called back)

    There is another long, long list of scholarly tomes and texts (both modern, and historic) about the Bible that go back as far as the Greek Septaugint which I have read, or given careful study. I have read texts that supported the Bible as the “Word of God”, and those that have debunked the Bible as the “Word of God.

    When I have some time, I will present some interesting selections from the Bible to support my statements made in the post you quoted.

    One of my favorite questions that I have posed to well-qualified theologians, as well as priests, pastors, and ministers; is, “Who is the naked young man with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane when the soldiers came to arrest Jesus? Why was the young man alone with Jesus? (and) Why is this young man mentioned at all?”

    If those who question my Biblical study have studied the Bible themselves; they will know in which book of the Bible to look for the young man of note.

  48. Ok, let me just out this out there. The test used to determine IQ levels are of Western Oriented Reasoning patterns. It cannot be divorced from generations of social familiarization with the materials and concepts around which the questions are formulated.

    Now let us expand our thinking just a little. In the amazon rain forest or other similar human nesting where different materials and concepts come into play in the measurement of cognitive skills and abilities, how would a westerner fare against someone with generations of familiarity with those materials and concepts. Questions drawn from these would test one’s ability to retain information that is quite different than that which predominate the environmental spheres of Western Society. Supposed some was required to walk a distance of one mile through unbroken rain forest to a point, and then to find their way back without any but natural navigational aids, who do we think would score higher, the westerner, or the native whose existence depend on them developing the ability to recognize and retain information that amount to quantum physics for those of us who live in the west?

    Look you cannot measure the faster runner in a race in which one athlete had hundreds of years of a head start. Africans were denied the opportunity to learn for centuries. To ascertain whether there is inherent difference in intellectual ability between African Americans and their other parts what has to be measured is the distance covered by Africans from the time there was some levelling of the playing field. In other words, the growth of knowledge from where blacks were at that given point and time to where they are now currently, and the growth of learning from the same point for whites to where they are now at the moment. Who made greater advancement within that time span?

  49. 100 Bam…!

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