Submitted by Terence Blackett

black-man-angryBeginning any controversial piece of literary discourse can be a daunting task. Equally challenging is tackling a taboo subject area which can be exhilarating, as one grapples with the issues that are so pertinent to the thesis you are trying to build – in order that it may have structural integrity. The concept of “Angry Black Men” is a work under construction. It is the title of a book which is currently in manuscript form and will be due out for publication around the autumn of 2010.

The BU Family has got (firsthand) the opportunity to debate rigorously (no holds barred) how this postmodern phenomenon is affecting the Black Family and how this psychopathology can be contained and managed through a variety of remedial interactions and recommendations.

But what is anger? Anger is a natural emotion that affects us all at some point. But for some people, anger can get out of control and cause problems with family relationships, friendships, work and even the law.

It is a scientifically proven fact that intergenerational transmission of social, cultural, moral, philosophical and spiritual capital has produced inequalities across the periphery of the Black family and any attempt at a one-sided explanation of the issues which focus just on social relations or culture or discourse is in itself radically incomplete at the least and copiously sterile at worst.

Some sociologists argue that – “the inequalities in resources and opportunities themselves have little or nothing to do with the moral worth or merit of individuals but they have a major impact on the possibility of achieving goods which are valued and which bring recognition and self-respect” (Sayer 2005). It is with this issue of self-respect which is at the heart of the problem with Black men.

In the United States (where I am currently doing some research) the conceptual theory of the “Black Youth Bulge” is an epiphenomenon of late 20th century “strategic demography” which looks at population characteristics such as age, ethnicity, geographic location and numbers to help locate terrorist or criminal threats.

In Britain, pilot studies are looking at how social measures including areas of social policy can impact on a growing segment of the young Black population who are increasingly disillusioned by the structural inefficiencies created by a closed class system that undermines upward mobility and limits social progress amongst ethnic minorities with the determinant results being – hate, anger and violence.

Our young Black men vigorously opine that it is their right to be angry given what they are up against within the system. This psychopathology which was elucidated by social historian Herbert Moller’s 1968 article Youth as a Force in the Modern World” in Comparative Studies in Society and History argues that “although the individual ‘age curves’ of psychopathy (or ‘sociopathy’) assume a variety of shapes, all manifestations of this personality disorder – from ‘wild oats’ behaviour, excessive self-assertion and pugnacity to criminal acts – are predominantly correlated with youth. It follows that primitive tendencies and psychopathic behaviours can be expected to increase in any population commensurately with its youthfulness.”

Today, over 7 million people in the US are behind bars, on parole, probation, or otherwise under supervision by the criminal justice system. Two-thirds of prisoners are Black or Latino – groups that comprise just over one-fifth of the population as a whole, while almost half of Americans live in poverty and the greater percentage ratio is amongst African Americans. These disparaging social statistics are contributing factors to the climate of hate and anger so prevalent in America.

In Britain according to a 2003 Home Office Study suggest that “1 in every 100 Black British adults is now in prison”. The number are however much higher given the fact that foreign Blacks also occupy British jails in increasing numbers due to immigration, drugs and other transnational crimes.

It is undeniable that the psychopathology of angry black men is wrapped up in the historical legacy of colonialism, slavery and injustice – something which 400 years has not been able to completely eradicate, no matter how prosperous, affluent or technologically savvy we have become. The scars of such historical pain still bear that psychic imprint upon the psyche of the Black man, bearing fruit in the form of gang & domestic violence, the YOB culture and increasing incidences of Black on Black crime and violence.

Anger unmistakably damages personal relationships. These relationships are often the ones you least want to lose. The target is usually spouses, children, co-workers, and friends. Actions often taken under intense anger are regretted after the damage is done. The Bible reminds us that “the wrath of man does not work the righteousness of God” and even though we can get angry, we must not sin. The difficulty is in balancing these two extremes and even for the most astute amongst us – the challenge proves too great.

The conclusion is as W.E. DuBois reminds the Black man – “The Negro is a sort of seventh son, born with a veil, and gifted with second-sight in this American world — a world which yields him no true self-consciousness, but only lets him see himself through the revelation of the other world. It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of others, of measuring one’s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity.

We must break this generational pattern which still affects us all…

73 responses to “Angry Black Men: The Psychopathology And Its Perturbations On The Black Family”

  1. Hopi

    so according to you (don’t try to weasel out and claim “oh I was just being sarcastic”)… our Black ancestors were stupid as shit.

  2. Female Graduate Avatar

    @ BAFBFP

    I have to admit that there is merit in what you say. I do not know what can be done to change this, but I hope that recognising that it is happening should be sufficient to draw a response. Women have got to play more upfront roles in challenging the status quo. It cannot be good enough to simply get a couple of degrees and fit in to what is a hugely inefficient and exploitative process. We seem to be such good followers of instructions, just point us the direction and we will put on blinkers.


    “Young warriors”? – where dem coming from – Canada like Hallsall?

  4. @Anonymous………….No sarcasm here, so don’t get mad at me. You questioned me but since you don’t like the answer I give you, you minimise the Black Ancestors to being stupid as shit! [ Not to worry because there’s redemption for stupidity, but for CALCULATING EVIL there’s none]. I figured that since you are so ph..king brilliant, I’d give you a SIMPLE answer! Don’t forget that we were a continent in total darkness just waiting for the peckawood to come shine some light on us. Does that sound better to you?

  5. @datrut………..What black run country you talking bout? Do you really think that BaRat runs America? What free world you talking bout?

  6. Hopi

    You think you are so condescendingly, r##h##e clever and knowledgeable. You didn’t give a simple answer, you just gave a simple minded answer … or maybe you really do believe that the Black ancestors thought whitey was a God. Are you hoping that whitey will feel remorse and set us “free”?

  7. Sorry Anonomous

    But anybody that fights on my behalf is a warrior…!

  8. Has John absent himself from these discussions?

  9. It is my understanding that most of the English C’bean countries are and have been run by black men for more than 40yrs. Is Hopi suggesting that Burnham and Manley were puppets of the whitey west? If so they played their roles undercover with perfection, since their policies and actions bore little relationship to what existed in colonial times. If those two countries had been lead by Barrow or Adams their denizens would be far better off today. Bim has progressed at a reasonable clip with little physical resources, although places like Singapore have left Bim in the dust relatively speaking.

    My point about Barrack is that he is a man of colour that has reached great heights in political terms. Black folks are about 12% of the US population therefore the probability of a black person becoming President is very low. Remember that just fifty years ago it was a major surprise that a Roman Catholic, Kennedy, was elected.The fact that BO beat out Clinton and overcame the Jerimiah Wright connection is absolutely remarkable, a miracle.

    The ‘Free World’ is certainly open to interpretation but I mean countries where people have oppurtunities to succeed without being overly controlled by authorities.

  10. @Anonymous…….. I gave a simple-minded answer to a brilliant unknown, yet you accuse me of …. “thinking so condescendingly, r##h##e clever and knowledgeable.” How can I, a simple-minded person be accused of such? Must I remind you again that I do not live by belief..therefore believing that whitey was god has absolutely no resonance avec moi!

    Are you hoping that whitey will feel remorse and set YOU Free?

  11. @datrut…………..when you start injecting such words/phrases like ‘absolutely remarkable and miracle and progressed at a reasonable clip’ you and I are in totally different realms.

  12. How so? Please amplify.

  13. why black men are angry…

  14. Academic in Arms Avatar
    Academic in Arms


    How dare you refer to Sir Henry as Ms Henry Forde? You bloggers need to show some respect.

  15. @David

    It is amazing what I just saw and heard from the AG on TV. Is the answer to the Minibuses to criminalise and penalise? Why don’t we look for examples of how this problem has been solved in other islands? Trinidad for example.

    The commuters are being short changed. We need one large bus stand which is designed to line up all the buses including minibuses and eliminate the breaking of lines and soliciting of passengers.

    Think about it, to walk from the River terminal to Cheapside to catch a bus going the other side of the island is nearly a mile if not a mile.

    The way that the minibuses are treated it is like they exist outside the society. Indeed, the way they are treated is a reflection of our psyche. We should embrace and not alienate one another. How else can we solve problems or find mutual solutions?

  16. @ROK

    Read our initial comment over on the blog Time To Stop The Damn Foolishness.

  17. @Anonymous@nov9 8:18am….Brilliant! I knew some genius could find someone, with all the answers to our problems! So now that we have identified the problems, the solution is super easy! Let’s get rid of all of ’em. First we’ll start in your camp! D’accod?

  18. Just a few examples of the hype in The US about the 2012 movie due for release tomorrow…

    What is strange is that we have been having 4 days of non-stop storm weather in the Hampton Roads area with the weather migrating up the Eastern Seaboard toward NY along the coastline…

    * History Channel: “Decoding the Past—Doomsday 2012: The End of Days”

    * History Channel: “The Lost Book of Nostradamus and 2012”

    * AOL News: “Thousands Expect Apocalypse in 2012”

    * ABC News: “Will the World End in 2012? Thousands Worldwide Prepare for the Apocalypse, Expected in 2012”

    * Fox & Friends: “It’s the End of the World: Mayan Calendar Ends in 2012”

    * Geraldo Rivera (Fox News): “Fact or Fiction: Will the World End in 2012?”

    * USA Today: “Does Maya calendar predict 2012 apocalypse”

    * Los Angeles Times: “Many gather to ponder end of Maya days”

    * New York Post: “2012: The End is Nigh!”

    * U.S. News and World Report: “Apocalypse 2012: Are the Final Days Coming Soon? New Doomsdayers Adapt a Mayan Prediction”

    * Newsweek: “2012: A Y2K for the New Age”

    So why the fascination with the “ENDTIMES”?

    Do we really believe the world end?

    Or are we hoping that it will?

  19. “A national survey of 1,800 Americans aged 18 and older questioned participants on how and when they feel angry in order to build “a broader social portrait of anger in the United States,” said study researcher Scott Schieman, now at the University of Toronto.”

    See research finding at:

  20. yes im an angry black man myself over this biased,racist ass society.ive faced racial injustice since i was 11 or 12.called nigger numerous times,robbed and rejected,expelled from school though i got my high school equivalency diploma,harassed and ignored in stores,run ins with cops.ive faced sexism too which sucks. only jesus,god,guardian angels and most other black men can completely understand black men.other races and genders cant,black women cant either.past to present for all the crap we endure to get harsh treatment,to little to no empathy is very frustrating. raised without fathers,having dr.king,2pac,malcolm x members of black panthers killed hurts because they would have had sympathy for black men unlike todays biased ass world. the media likes to make us look bad,only good through reality were good at other things,but that sides not shown.unemployment exists but some brothas want to work but cant get jobs due to discrimination. i love the crips and bloods because there are similarities i have with them.raised fatherless,poverty,frustrated with life in general.keeping faith in god helps but until our death were forced to deal with this corrupted ass world caused by satan and people who messed up gods free will.sure theres some nice people,but it should be a lot more.people got their priorities messed up concerned about finances more than anything else about a men like women for her looks,but most women want to know a mans occupation and income before his will accept an unemployed woman easier than a woman accepting unemployed man blatant sexism.women can hit men not taken serious,men hit women all hell breaks loose man gets in trouble even if its the womans fault who started the mess. and when people say lifes not fair,get over it,so,i dont know,i dont know what to tell you,i dont care,not my problem,what do you want me to do?,stop feeling sorry for yourself,stop whining and suck it up.i say f that b.s.,those are harsh sayings that dont help,people should have better morals and sense and they know it,if they dont know now,come judgement day theyll get their act together or will burn in hell for eternity with satans butt. just a brotha to get some things off my chest. i am for real here,100 true.

  21. @ dan curry

    Take that RAW* Black energy and channel it into something which you LOVE* – whether it be sport, art, entertainment – whatever floats your boat – do that “ONE” thing with all your might!!!

    Lastly my dear Brotha… YOU GOTTA’ PRAY JUST TO MAKE IT TODAY!!!

  22. BS. Blackmen are not angry. It is just garbage. Didn’t the white people try to say that in the 80’s.?Now some black person or whatever is saying it.

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