Letter reproduced from Caribbean Net News.

Letter: Upcoming Barbados elections
Published on Thursday, December 27, 2007
Dear Sir:

By now it is common knowledge that Barbadians will be going to the polls on January 15, 2008. Prime Minister Owen Arthur is seeking a fourth term in power.At a time when most Barbadians are sick and fed up the current Government, I think that Prime Minister Owen Arthur is asking a lot of Barbadians.This is the same Prime Minister Owen Arthur who every chance he got Insulted and vilified Barbadians in favour of Guyanese immigrants whether legal or illegal. This is the same Prime Minister Owen Arthur who at a Heads of Government boasted that illegal Guyanese worked on his house.

Immigration Officers in Barbados had to walk the streets of Barbados in shame; their only crime was doing their utmost to secure the borders of Barbados. Yet Prime Minister Owen Arthur lambasted them here in Barbados and the region for doing their job of keeping out illegal aliens, Guyanese included.

On every project started by this Government there have been tremendous cost overruns. Figures now being quoted refer to $750 million in cost overruns on Government projects. The Government has no answer to this wastage of taxpayers’ money. However, they want Barbadians to give them another term to continue this squandermania.

Tourism in Barbados, the mainstay of the economy, continues to show declines in room stock every year. More and more hotels are being converted to condos with the resulting loss of jobs in the hospitality sector. This issue has not been tackled with any degree of urgency by the Owen Arthur administration.

No, Prime Minister Owen Arthur, we will not be giving you a fourth term. You had your time now move on. Time for change.

Carson C. Cadogan
Eagle Hall
St Michael

31 responses to “Fact Or Fiction?”

  1. Will Arthur show the gumpshun to debate Thompson on these issues?

  2. just observing the politics Avatar
    just observing the politics

    take a good look at owen arthur. he does not look well. he is a tired man. his health should become an election in this campaign just like what happens in the USA, Canada and England. there are rumours going around. barbadians who believe he is needed more than ever are taking a big risk. suppose he drops dead like john compton. all hell will break loose in the BLP. owen arthur should tell barbadians about his health. the people should know they are not buying a pig in a bag.

  3. Desperate bunch of fools. Hear them cry.

    We will be going with Owen all the way!

    FOUR LOVE!!!!

  4. If he is dying — let him die!

    Some of us will get to see him sentenced to the lake when he turns up at the great white throne judgement!

  5. He might not get sentenced in Barbados, but he wont get away at the great white throne judgement

    In his first term as Prime Minister The Right Honourable Prime Minister Owen S. Arthur called a journalist carrying out his professional duties an “Indentured Servant”. This was followed by constant uncalled for attacks berating private citizens during speeches in the House of Assembly. He reserved these attacks for persons who shared opposing views or who were retired members or supporters of present or past DLP governments. The attack on Harold Hoyte who was called a Negrocrat for sharing his professional opinions remains etched in our minds. Recent attacks on Peter Wickham, Professor Dr. Don Marshall, journalist Chris Gollop among others, speak to the desperation of a leader who no longer serves but one who Rules. Private Citizens often give details of intimidatory telephones calls they receive from the Prime Minister, in which they are verbally abused and harassed in the filthiest language imaginable. These are all the preparation signs of a future dictator.

    At his nomination on 16th December ’07 at the Alexandra School, he was ushered in to the school hall to the strains of the Gospel Song “You Raise Me Up”, a song that is reserved for and sung to God in praise. How could any ordinary man have such a song played in honour of him and to announce his arrival ? Is he and his BLP supporters now likening him to Almighty God ? Where is Rev Joseph Atherley’s voice of disapproval toward this disgraceful act ?

    It gets even worse, he criticises our National Hero The Right Excellent Errol W Barrow over comments he alleged that Mr. Barrow made. How sad that someone who has been accorded the highest National Honour that can be bestowed on any of our citizens is now being criticised publicly by our Prime Minister. Does Mr. Arthur not realise that were it not for Mr. Barrow’s timely foresight, persons like him may not have benefited from an educational structure that laid the foundation for him to become a Prime Minister ?

    Not satisfied, he threatens the core of our Democratic System of governance by arrogantly pronouncing, “ I am motivated in a special way by the determination never to see the DLP hold the reigns of office in this land ”. This appears a blatant attempt to use some method to manipulate our political system to erase any opposition to his ‘Ruling of Barbados’. This leaves no doubt, what his so called Politics of Inclusion was and is all about. In spite of all of these recent signs and the long trail of perceive dictatorial ambitions, those in the critical areas of the Church, Media, Educational Institutions, Social Groups, NGO’s etc. remain mute.

    Let us hope that on the eve of a General Election their silence does not contribute to a situation we all live to regret. We owe thanks to those who still have a tongue to speak and who ensure that we preserve our democratic rights. Goliath once used terror to subdue his challengers as they were in fear and awe of him but David through divine inspiration conquered. Fear not Humble Citizens trust in God and you will conquer over Arrogant Self Proclaim King Arthur.

  7. Wishing In Vain
    You must realize that Arthur is not cognizant of the axiom in Proverbs which states that PRIDE GOETH BEFORE A FALL

    Nor does he know the story of the death of Herod as recorded in Acts 12:21-23.

    The man is having delusions of grandeur.

  8. Georgie Porgie,

    January 15th 2008 will soon be here.

    We will soon see who the real loudmouths are.

    By the way, there are many clowns and idiots throughout history who have quoted scripture as if God belongs to them. Those are the true fools, such as the advisor of Portia Simpson who lost recent elections in Jamaica.

    The downfall you are wishing for may be your very own.

  9. Georgie Porgie Dummy Avatar
    Georgie Porgie Dummy

    Pastor raps Prophet Phinn

    Says public declaration of PM’s victory unwise

    BY INGRID BROWN Observer staff reporter browni@jamaicaobserver.com
    Monday, April 16, 2007

    HEAD of Whole Life Ministries Rev Dr Al Miller yesterday described Dr Phillip Phinn’s recent prophecy in which he publicly declared victory for Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller in the upcoming general elections as unwise.

    Miller said, too, that Phinn’s public declaration could be perceived as a ‘manipulation’ of the process rather than ‘influence’, which is legitimate in democracies.

    Miller, a pastor who also has the gift of prophecy, made it clear, however, that the problem with Phinn’s declaration was not primarily of content as God can and does speak to his people via the prophetic voice. The issue, he said, was that such utterance could invariably be seen as indicating selection by Divine edict rather than the people’s choice.

    “The issue is the wisdom and correctness of public declarations on “the who” in a democratic society,” Miller told the Observer yesterday.

    At an annual prophetic conference at the Hilton Kingston Hotel last week, Phinn repeated an earlier claim that God had ordained Portia Simpson Miller to continue to rule as prime minister.
    In defence of the prophecy, Phinn told the Observer yesterday that he was representing a prophetic company which spanned the gamut of Kingston, Mandeville, Montego Bay, the Cayman Islands, New York and Atlanta, whose prophets prayed at different times and concurred that this was the word of the Lord.

    He said the result would speak for itself after the elections, “and if it don’t come to pass, we know that it wasn’t God, but I have no doubt or fear because I have used every method that is scriptural.
    The prophecy, Phinn told the Observer, was derived after all the prophetic camp within the Word of Life Ministries International prayed and fasted before giving their prophecies.

    “At the end of it all, the tapes come to my headquarters and we go through and see where there is more than one prophecy saying the same thing and we make special note of it for extra special prayer and that is how we did the process of selection,” he said. One of the overwhelming recurring prophecy, he added, was about Simpson Miller.

    “People are free to believe what they want to and we live in a place where there is freedom of religion and of speech, and all I am simply saying is that thus saith the Lord that the next term is in the bag for Portia Simpson Miller and they can’t beat her,” Phinn said.

    But Miller, who pastors Fellowship Tabernacle in Kingston, said yesterday that such a prophecy could easily be interpreted as the abuse of one’s position of privilege to advance personal belief interest.
    This, Miller said, could also confuse and create wrong concepts about the justice of God, especially if there is growing inequities in the practice and performance of the declared leader and or party.

    Miller said more consistent biblical pattern was for the people to select leadership by observing the guidelines from divine edict.
    Citing the scripture passage Exodus 18:25 – ‘And Moses chose from able men out of all Israel and made them head over the people’ – Miller cemented pointed out that when the people of Israel requested a King, God, through Samuel the prophet, chose the first King Saul, whose performance disqualified him, so God replaced him with David.

    “All subsequent kings were done by an accepted societal process, in the exception, not the rule for prophetic interference, the prophet spoke directly to the individual, not the public,” he said.
    He said, however, that if one feels compelled to make public predictive prophecy, motive must be right and just and the reason for God’s choice must be made known with the benefits or consequences so that the people are edified.

    Such predictive prophecy, said Miller, must also indicate whether the prophecy is stating simply what will happen as a result of the people’s choices, or if it is what is ordained by God to be so. “If ordained, it makes the leader God’s choice for either the blessing or judgement of the people. The prophet must make clear,” he said.

    Miller said the declared prophecy must be judged not by novices or students of the prophet, but elders or apostolic authorities.
    He added that if Phinn felt strongly about sharing such a word, it should have been done privately or in a private setting.
    “Challenging prophetically, systems structures, and acts of sin, oppression, corruption, injustice and pronouncing judgement, warning or direction are clear realms of public utterance which we should have been hearing more frequently,” Miller said.

  10. Anonymous
    The axiom in Proverbs refers to all – even me- who will let pride and arrogance rule them. That Pride goeth before a fall is something that I have observed since my youth.

    I quote scripture not because I am a clown or idiot, but because I have accepted the Lord as my personal Savior, and I believe the scriptures, and try to live by them.

    If I had quoted from Sheridan or Shaekespeare or Shelley would you have attacked me? I doubt it.

    I care not about Portia Simpson’s advisors, nor am I advising anyone. Like everyone one the forum, I am entitled to my opinion.

    The silly article the Dummy quoted by Ingrid Brown has nothing to do with the scriptures I quoted. The scripture I quoted from Acts is an illustration of the one I quoted from Proverbs. And whether you like it or not PRIDE GOETH BEFORE A FALL.
    The behavior that WIV described of Arthur is pride.

    Furthermore, my comments had nothing to do with the election either. My comments were far ranging, and based on the observation that those who evince the behavior described DO IN FACT FALL!

    You can call me what you like, my argument and illustrations are sound, and I have rightly divided the word of truth in using the quotations I used.

    The article the Dummy quoted is a load of junk as it has no biblical or theological or intellectual basis . In fact the author reveals that he is ignorant of both the prophetic principles that he seeks to expouse. I too have a doctorate in Theology besides being an MD. If you want to cite an article about prophecy, cite one by a serious scholar in the field.

    If I want to cite an expert on liver disease I would quote from Dame Sheila Sherlock. If I want to talk about prophecy I would cite Dwight Pentecost!.

    I laugh at the nomen Georgie Porgie Dummy, seeing that the records in the Ministry of Education will show which academic scholarship I won in Barbados and in which year.

    Dummy? Really! You really make me laugh.

    I quote again JUDGE RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT AND NOT BY THE APEARANCE (John 7:24) in other words you can only adjudicate if you have all the facts….. and you don’t!

  11. If you want to discuss the Chronicles you must cite Sailhamer etc

    Its easy, you are either a scholar or you are not. I try to keep things simple, but if those who pretend to be scholars want to vaunt thier illiteracy on a paerticular subject it is easy to expose them.

    Also if the dummy knew any medicine he would know that the only diagnosis to be given to Arthur’s behavior as described in the newspapers and on the you tube videos is DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR.

  12. Guyanese are needed in Barbados and PM Owen Arthur is cogizant of that fact, unlike some Bajan citizens. Guyana is part of Caricom, and therefore we should have no problem entering Barbados. I hope this election does lead to violence, such as targeting Guyanese people living in Barbados, or the type of sitauation that occured today in Pakistan with the brutal murder of Miss Benazir Bhutto. I am concerned, especially after what I read some of you wrote earlier this year regarding the Guyanese problem in Barbados. We are all God’s people and we must try to get along, and love each other. Just hope they find the oil that is supposedly off shore of Guyana, for besides Georgetown, Bridgetown, Paramaribo, and Port-of-Spain will be buzzing with all the oil money. Please don’t target any nationality and race. Please

  13. Sister Baby

    You have been on BFP and now here writing a lot of crap about bajans under the Rhianna article.

    Well let me give you some home truths:

    Guyanese are for the most part disliked in almost every caribbean country because of their slimy,lying deceitful ways.

    They will claim to know a particular job – even though they have no clue what they are doing – just to rob foolish bajans of their money.

    A lot of these houses they built only waiting for a strong,high wind to knock it down.

    A lot of ( although there are a few exceptions) guyanese women demonstrate the lowest morals and set out to try and entrap bajan men and break up families.

    Those who work as maids don’t know how to properly clean the houses because they are not familiar with basic cleaning products or items – and they are always begging for your stuff – and if you are not careful they will steal from you.

    I would not be surprised if there is a serious backlash against guyanese coming very soon.

    Bajans,like every one else are sick and tired of them flooding in here and turning this country into a slum.

    We intend to take our country back – so you better watch out.

    As the saying goes:”Ever so welcome,wait for a call”.

  14. notesfromthemargin Avatar


    To answer the question posed by the headline, it is neither fact nor fiction. It is an opinion. Is it accurate? Now THAT’s an interesting question 🙂


  15. Sister Baby writes: “I hope this election does lead to violence, such as targetting Guyanese people living in Barbados”. Say, WHAT??? We know you Guyanese are used to violence, but, PLEASE – NOT in Barbados. If you like violence, Sister Baby, go back to Guyana.

  16. At his nomination on 16th December ’07 at the Alexandra School, he was ushered in to the school hall to the strains of the Gospel Song “You Raise Me Up”, a song that is reserved for and sung to God in praise. How could any ordinary man have such a song played in honour of him and to announce his arrival ? Is he and his BLP supporters now likening him to Almighty God ? Where is Rev Joseph Atherley’s voice of disapproval toward this disgraceful act ?

    I was in The Ivy one Friday night after the 1999 elections. A group of us was listening to Trevor Prescod describing Owen’s entry onto the stage at Carlisle carpark. He said that the area was dark and the spotlight was shining through the crowd and when it shone on Owen the brightness looked like the coming of Christ.
    That statement by Prescod has remained etched in my mind. I am no christian, but I thought then and still do that the statement was blasphemous in worst sense.
    That is how Owen is perceived by that lot. Ever noticed that they all promote him as the great leader? None of those people can honestly say what is Owen good at leading. NOT ONE.
    And you asked what has Atherly to say on this issue? NOTHING! NADA!!!!
    They must be one frightened bunch at this time.

  17. Isn’t it interesting that you have bajans living in and outside of Barbados who at the current prices can’t afford to buy land or build house, and all Owen tells them is that they will never be private beaches in Barbados? He and his band of thieves have sold out the people’s birthright to the highest bidder, yet he seeks to console us with the hope that they won’t be private beaches.

  18. The last comment by Anonymous and quotation from WIV again support my diagnosis DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR.

    This was similar to the behavior exhibited by Idi Amin of Uganda!

    Owen is dangerous. The man is mad. Tertiary syphilis must also be considered in the differential diagnosis. You can miss the primary and secondary lesions and dont know you have the treponemes in your brain until you go mad.

    Check it out on the internet.

  19. When he opted to call the election over this Christmas period, he clearly gave up the Christ in Christmas part of the celebration he now considers himself to be the appointed Christ and will do what he wants to do and how he wants to do it, despite religion or values or peoples feelings.

    This is something that we need to consider when we go to the polls this arrogance must cease and cease now, he cares nothing about the people he is put there to serve, he is about OWING ARTHUR not even about the blp it is about OWING ARTHUR and how it affects his pocket.

  20. if you people are going to be so stupid as to vote in a DLP goverement God help us is all i can say . I havent forgotten the early 90 s or the wre the DEMS carried us the DEMS will only destroy our economy and the hard work of MR ARTHUR and his wonderful team

  21. The promise has been broken. Cool it Georgie Porgie. Que sera sera.

    Jump to Comments
    Owen Arthur in one of the coolest voices that he has used in recent years stated at his endorsement as a candidate that he will do everything to ensure the Democratic Labour Party never governs Barbados Again. This admission sent shivers down the spine of all decent and democratic Barbadians. This was the unmasking of the dictatorial tendencies of the Napolean like Owen Arthur. He has played around with the notion of being called emperor of Barbados or is it President of Barbados. He has talked about the Republic, he has sung the Republican An them and has only held off of these things because some people in Society strongly objected. He will come again if Barbadians give him a chance.

    History has shown that where people do not act quickly in stemming the unrush of dictatorial behavior then they live to regret it. Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Pinochet, Napolean, Attilla , Pol pot and many more down through history have been prefect examples of this. The slaughter of innocent ones was tremendous and societies still reel from it. Owen Arthur is fashioning himself in the mould of a dictator. Barbadians from all walks of life better wake up and smell the coffee.

    Owen Arthur is an extremely strange and complex man. He will leave wreckage in is wake to get what he wants. Do not let him take Barbados. For goodness sake do not let him take Barbados.

  23. Wishing In Vain
    Again you highlight for us the symptoms that point to the diagnosis of Delusions of Grandeur.

    Now you seem to be saying that this dwarf want to be the local AntiChrist!

    Anti in the greek meaning both “INSTEAD OF” AND “AGAINST”

    Only Me I prefer the DLP to destroy our economy than the BLP to destroy our heritage. The economy can be fixed, but once we get into a dictatorship all hell will break loose.

    If we continue to be led by AMORAL people our country will be destoyed just as was the case as the Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman civilizations.

  24. Infact WIV we seem to have in the BLP a satanic triumvirate that mimics that in Revelation in the form of THE BEAST THE ANTICHRIST & THE FALSE PROPHET

    Mia reminds me of THE BEAST
    Arthur reminds me of THE ANTICHRIST
    & Masscoll reminds me of THE FALSE PROPHET

    We in bare trouble in Barbados. This satanic trinity seeks to overtake us. Wuh loss.

    Sandra, I cant cool it with my posts. I am cool, but I cant cool it. I prayed last night that God would deliver us from this diabolical BLP.

    If DLP win – even if it is for one term there will be some respite!

  25. Well Annoymous and Bajan Yankee,

    I am Guyanese and I am very proud of my Guyana, and I thank Jesus that I never had to go to Barbados to do maid work, as I am a graduate of Howard University and that is in Washington DC USA. Let me just say you have the Guyanese problem because in the 60’s when the Guyanese problem was in its infancy the late PM Errol Barrow along with the other 2 major players, PM Hugh Shearer of Jamaica, and PM Eric Williams of TT refused to intervene in Guyana. This is in spite of appeals coming from Guyanese political groups, subsquent leaders did likewise too, such as Adams, Sandiford and so on. So you see had the previous governments spoken for democracy in Guyana you would not have the situation that you have now. Listen I know the Guyanese people, I was robbed big time by a few of them. To be honest with you I don’t trust them, and I am Guyanese, so I know what you mean. Just today I spoke to a Guyanese woman who told me one big lie, and this Guyanese woman is an influential one at that. So I know, and that is why I don’t blog with them, but the fact of the matter is that you should not resort to violence when dealing with the Guyanse problem. You make me laugh in that they don’t knwo to do basic cleaning, oh gosh it’s true, they always begging. I know I had a Guyanese maid. She use to open my sode drink half of the soda, and then refill with water and put cap back onto to bottle. So I know.

  26. Oh Gosh! Iam still laughing that you say Guyanese don’t know to do basic cleaning. Oh Gosh. Guyanese don’t know to do basic cleaning and everybody is they Auntie, and even if they know your name they calling you Miss Thing. Look you all making me laugh. Now don’t do anything bad to me.

  27. Ever noticed that when Mia speaks she uses her first and little fingers pointing towards you AND AND THE TWO IN THE MIDDLE ARE BENT INWARD TOWARDS HER PALM? Anyone realizes that this IS a satanic symbol?

  28. Sister Baby – I admire your honesty, as in all people not all are but people but you just don’t know who to trust. After a while you begin to paint all with the same brush, and after meeting a crook or two it seems that is all you attract. (when you meet a creater for a man/woman most of the time that is what you attract also) Had a guyanese lady renting an apt. from me and she lied like that devil, stole like a pirate. Funny thing is a trini guy was renting the other apt. he was also a liar, talker, and thief they hated each other, out lied each other, and stole and blamed each other. When I would not sleep with her to give her free/cheaper rent she said I was a bulla, and doing it with the trini guy. (i still laugh thinking about it) i had to get rid of them both. To this day not sure why they stole some of the things they did, and where they hid them. But good riddence and I paid a cost but I sure learned my lesson.

  29. “Guyanese don’t know to do basic cleaning”

    Some do, some don’t honestly. The young thief i had renting (she no lady) kept the apt dirty, stove stink, bath stink, fridge stink, i had to threaten eviction to get her to clean the fridge once, she cleaned the stove and it stopped working (don’t laugh it true) and it was new, she was the first person using it, it was about 2/3 months then. Oh and i had to give here all the cleaning products to do the cleaning also, and if i left the door open she would come in through the kitchen and quickly stole some stuff. And boldly use them too, Guyanesse are BOLD people, Trinis are arrogant, Bajan well we have a very false pride, and too passive.

  30. Hi Undertaker, I know all about them. Even though I am Guyanese I am afraid of some of them. I went to a party given an influential Guyanese woman. I put my purse down on the couch, and was mingling, but never in my wildest dream did I think that one of the guest was going to seach up my purse and steal my money and purfume. I had a Guyanese maid who searched me up. One day I came home early and I found trying on my clothes.. I scolded her, and the reply was that I was too fat to wear these clothes. Listen when you hire some of them they are the mistress and you are the servant. I had a box of chocolates in my cabinet, and the woman helping me helped herself to the bottom layer and and when I went to get one from the bottom layer there were no chocolates. I asked her if she had taken my chocolates, and the reply was that the manufacturer in England for to put chocolate in the bottom layer. Now in all my years this was the first time I had encountered a pound box of Cadbury Roses without chocolates in the bottom layer. I have sat in my living room looking out at my garden and have them steal my flowers right before my eyes. I shout out what are you doing? Oh I just taking some flowers for my sick auntie. So I know. Listen they steal pet cats. I had my pet kitty Guyanese Tiger stoeen from me, and later the neighbours said they say some Guyanese girls with Guyanese tiger ont on the seawall pushing him in a pram. Well I could go on and on, but I tell you only Jesus can save Guyanese. And the rich no better than the poor. Listen you be careful because these people have killed other people for a chicken. Yes I have Happy New Year all And listen they all lie. Do you knoe how I have to defend myself aomst them. They never said so when they did. and they never took taht when they did. Listen, you can’t hang clothes out in sun on a line to dry in Guyana, for as soon as you turn in the house they come and take everything.

  31. Now look what has happened to a former chief immigration officer.

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