
That is Warrens, a small town in Barbados. Is that a war zone?”


Barbados is 90% Black, but it is controlled by Whites. South Africa used to be controlled by Whites and it went down the tubes when the Negroes took over. What do you think will happen to Barbados if the Negroes take control and kick the Whites out?

The Black race Still Playing Catch-up

In Barbados we are a 90+ majority black country but why the hell are the white people still controlling the economy? The manufacturing, construction, hotel and financial sectors are all “controlled” by whites. The statement is not meant to be destructive in intent, only to paint the real picture. Why is Barbados supporting an educational system which is generating “servants” of the “masters” and not entrepreneurs? Why are our politicians succumbing to the greed of the office. Until our black leaders stand up and show the leadership required our “blacks” will continue in the role of house-slaves.And as soon as they stand up and kick Whitey out, it will become the usual Black ruled cesspool.

Readers, while surfing several websites for information about Barbados might stumble on the BU site. (After all, we do write about things Barbadian.) Although it is not our practice to track all incoming links, yesterday, for whatever reason, we did. After a quick read of one such link, we realize that the website was a white supremacist site. BU must confess that although we know that these people exist everywhere on the globe, whenever they appear on the radar it is cause for deep thought.

A quick look around the site lists over 110,000 members!

To be open minded, we attempted to follow the thrust of the discussion on the site, which led to a member of that forum citing BU to support a point made. In summary, the debate was about the effect a black majority government will have on a country. Several countries in Africa were used as good examples of what black rulers do to a country; Zimbabwe was at the top of the list. One member used Barbados and the islands of the Caribbean to disprove the point. That member was promptly told words to the effect that there maybe black majority political rule in Barbados, but the island is being controlled by its white masters. The point was further made that Barbados depended on tourism, which created the opportunity for the white man to control our black governments like puppets on a string.




BU would not blame readers if this piece provoked little interest, because if you felt like us…initially, you might just say, who give two frups anyway. However, after some reflection we gathered ourselves, we straightened our shoulders; we focused and fired our thoughts, which have been honed by an educational system, which has been the envy of many countries around the globe. The track record of Barbados is indelibly scribed in history for all to bare witness. The struggle of our black island nation, which BU admits still continuing, stands tall in a world where dictators and unstable governments abound.




We promised not to descend into any cesspool but let us say this: that this American sponsored website should be the last taking pot shots at Barbados. Barbados is a country that is known for its stable political climate with a robust system of voting. BU is not sure that the same can be said about the USA after the debacle in Florida…who ever heard of chads! We think Barbados can teach the big bad wolf a thing or two about voting.




We will say no more.




So Barbadians, as we prepare for the weekend in our glorious homeland, we hope that like BU, Barbadians remain inspired and focused on what we have to do to keep our island nation on the right path.

29 responses to “Black Governments In The Caribbean Are Puppets According To The White Supremacists Living Next Door In The USA”

  1. […] “That is Warrens, a small town in Barbados. Is that a war zone?”   Barbados is 90% Black, but Read full story… […]

  2. “Until our black leaders stand up and show the leadership required our “blacks” will continue in the role of house-slaves.And as soon as they stand up and kick Whitey out, it will become the usual Black ruled cesspool.”

    So can I ask?…why did you decline the invitation
    to become a member of the B/fast club?

  3. white supremacist/ black supremacist. Both as bad as each other. Too much racist foolishness here to make a sensible comment.

  4. Actually, another Caribbean blog from Bermuda puts it much better than I possibly could. I’ve pasted the comment below. Simply substitute ‘Barbados’ for ‘Bermuda’ and hey presto – a ready made argument for looking at racism today, not yesterday:

    “I think there are very few people here in Bermuda, no matter what their pigmentation level, who would deny that racism existed in Bermuda in the past. The sad fact is, that since Bermuda is populated by humans, prejudice of various levels exists today. Unfortunately it is part of human nature to apply some judgement and bias against those who are different from us in some way, whether it is appearance, culture, or affiliation. This is seen in tribal warfare in Africa, Sunni/Shiite warfare in Iraq, and the still lingering situation Ireland. It has also shown up in class conflicts, most notably in the creation of the Communist countries in last century. It can also be a lot more subtle than these examples of course, and although some people believe that the racial prejudice in Bermuda is still at that level, I believe that for the most part that sort of racism is in the past.

    I think that there are some people who are so trapped in the anger from previous discrimination, that they cannot see that things have changed, and improved. This shows up very often in the responses given when someone newer to Bermuda asks for an example of racism now. Instead of giving an example from the current year or two, they will be told they couldn’t possibly understand, as they didn’t live here twenty years ago to see it. Unfortunately that doesn’t help anyone. Until someone invents a reliable time machine, there is no way to change the past, only the present and future. Nobody can go back and prevent the appropriation of the land for the creation of Tuckers Town. That happened, it was wrong (probably evil would not be to strong), but it can’t be changed. It also isn’t happening today.

    I am not saying that racist attitudes don’t exist today, what I am saying is that blatant racism, particularly by whites, is no longer socially or culturally acceptable. One result of this is that when someone has a real example of racist behaviour or attitude pointed out to them, they will often be ashamed enough to correct that behaviour. I believe this is why a lot of people are asking both for the names of those who are showing obvious racism, and also for examples of what is seen as racism. For those showing obvious racism, they will try to disguise that behaviour in front of those who are not the target and yet would be critical (helps avoid possible shame), and therefore need to be identified by the victims so that they can be dealt with. There are also those who may not recognise their own minor racist tendencies, and having examples pointed out to them so that they can correct their attitudes. There are some nasty racists here in Bermuda (as everywhere else) and those people will probably never change. The others, who may have learned bad thought patterns in the past, can and do change.

    If I could give an example of this: About 10 years ago, my wife and a friend were discussing sports, and the fact that our son played football. The friend made a comment along the lines she hadn’t let her son play football because almost all the boys who played were black, and their behaviour could be a bad influence on her son. My wife was not about to let that slide, and clearly told her that was a racist comment. Her friend was quite taken back, and insisted that she wasn’t racist at all, but that most black boys came from bad areas, broken families and so on. Surely she couldn’t be a racist. My wife rather than getting angry or calling her a racist, helped point out to her the bias, and prejudice of what she was saying, and showed her that the attitude was wrong. These attitudes and bias were things that the woman had learned growing up, and from her family. As with most people these days, she didn’t want to have to consider herself a racist, so she worked on learning new attitudes and ideas. Quite successfully in fact. It took a while, but she has changed, and her younger son does play football. The changes go a lot deeper than that of course, but I have gone on too long already.

    Please, those of you who can give examples of racism today (not yesterday) do so. Not generalizations, but anecdotes, with or without names as appropriate. It will help others change their attitudes. The really hard part I would like to ask, is to do it without anger or attack. I say that is really hard, as some of you have been hurt deeply in the past, and it can be had to not show anger towards those who rightly or wrongly you associate with those past wrongs. Part of human nature is that we respond with anger to anger, and attack to attack. A soft answer or statement (by which I mean polite, not ignoring the truth) makes people think and respond positively. Please be ready to accept apologies, or listen to explanations. It is always possible that our own bias has seen something as racist or prejudice that really wasn’t.

    We can’t change the past, but for the sake of the children, let’s change the future.”

  5. Yo James this same argument was tabled by Sir Courtney Blackman some time ago. I disagree with him and I disagree with you. I prefer blatant racism to the covert racism which exist now. With blatant racism it can be seen and we can work to expose it. De racism which we have in Barbados now is even greater than before. Instead of chains it has been replace with the mortgage slaves.

  6. notesfromthemargin Avatar

    There will always be such people in the world. Arguing with them is a waste of time. The best revenge is to continue to be successful.

  7. We need to keep moving forward but we have to demand accountability from our Government otherwise we will prove the “white supremists” right.

    With the level of corruption we are seeing today and the blatant disregard for our rights by Government officials, we seen to going down the wrong path already.

    It is high time we remind those in power and those who corrupt them that that they are accountable. There need to be consequences and by consequences I do not mean rertirement in comfort and luxury in Canada, the USA or Europe compliments of the taxpayers of Barbados. I mean retirement in a jail cell for “whitey, blackie, yellowey, brownie and pinky” alike, without discrimination. You do the crime you do the time, something that has never happened in Barbados yet. Well, it is time now.

  8. I like what MORE is saying. the only way to sock it to these supremist is to manage our country well. The current signs of corruption must be addressed! Wshould not pretend it is not there.

  9. The issue is not white on black racism anymore. What I see in Barbados is a situation where the black masses will be shut out of the economic landscape because of the mistakes being made by this present administration. The corruption, poor management of governmnet institutions, ( private too), and faulty government planning due to a lack of research and evaluation. Africa did not get there overnight, most African nations were prosperous and had potential at independence. What happened? Post colonial decay. I fear we may be on that road. Heaven help us. I remember a rabid PanAfricanist frienf of mind saying bitterly in his old age, “Bring back the white man. He can’t do any worse that what is happening now.”

  10. Why is Barbados supporting an educational system which is generating “servants” of the “masters” and not entrepreneurs?

    I’m sorry BU, but I find this statement to be a insult to the thousands of selfemployed black barbadians who have their own businesses. Also the same white people who are apparently running this country were all educated by the same education system you now critcize.

  11. crossroads~the society and the world we live in is a dynamic place. It is not unexpected that the educational system which has served us well in the past maybe irrelevant now. You should also remember that to be entrepreneurial does not mean self employed only.

    However to challenge your statement about thousands of self employed black Barbadians:BU’s thinking is that this group is a minority whose current small economic and political influence make them ineffective. If this group after passing through our educational system remain ineffective who or what should we blame crossroads?

  12. “You should also remember that to be entrepreneurial does not mean self employed only”.


    However, why would BU or anyone assume that this group wants more than what they have, not everyone wants to be Sir Charles or Bizzy. Maybe this group is comfortable with what success thay have achieved for themselves. If this said group is not satisfied with what they have, then the blame if any should be accepted by themselves. However, it has always been the bajan way by passing the buck and not accepting responsbility for their actions or lack of actions.

  13. crossroads~we do not mean to be argumentative so humor us a bit 🙂

    Do you agree that Barbados is majority black? Do you agree that the disproportionate wealth in Barbados resides with the whites? Do you agree that we now live in a world where it cannot be business as usual?

    If the answer to these question you answer yes then we can construct an argument based on the fact that the black majority can only advance if a group of black entrepreneurs emerge which is equivalent in ratio to the black population. The wishy washy approach of the past will not cut it i.e. piggybacking on the backs of whites. The educated black class which has emerge must take the bridles of the economic wagons and chart a path which now coincides with the black class of Barbadians.

    At BU we love a good debate 😆

  14. David
    Do you agree that Barbados is majority black? YES.
    Do you agree that the disproportionate wealth in Barbados resides with the whites?
    NO. There are many examples in society that prove this perseption untrue. Maybe the piorities of the various classes of people differ, some want bling bling and a BMW, while others invest sensibly.
    Do you agree that we now live in a world where it cannot be business as usual? YES
    I would also add that I agree with your opinon in the second paragraph.

    “black majority can only advance if a group of black entrepreneurs emerge which is equivalent in ratio to the black population”.

    I say this is already taking place in barbados, while I get the impression that you don’t see this.
    As for “piggybacking”, in a small society like ours this behaviour is normal for all people, white on white, black on black, white on black, black on white, its always been about who you know. Finally, our middle class has always been the strength of our society. Who is the majority middle class? Blacks. So something must be working in their favor.

  15. crossroads~our middleclass has always been strong as consumers. We see no evidence that as a group it is a force which the economic elite will listen to. The days of the white mercantile class which has served us so well is done. The black middleclass as you say has been happy over the years to be accountants and floor managers in the businesses of the white people. It is time for blacks to mobilize and access equity to take over the strategic businesses on the island. Do we think that we can? We are not so sure.

  16. “In Barbados we are a 90+ majority black country but why the hell are the white people still controlling the economy”?

    “And as soon as they stand up and kick Whitey out”,

    “It is time for blacks to mobilize and access equity to take over the strategic businesses on the island”.

    Strong language David for an article not meant to be “destructive” or is the intent “disruptive”. Not sure what your agenda is, but I’ll leave you to it.
    PS. Maybe you could start with BS&T their up for grabs.

  17. Why are Barbadians fearful when BU talk about mobilizing to ensure that blacks grab a bigger piece of the economic pie? Why feel that it is destructive in intent? Are we happy as a 90+ black nation to be subjected to 4% of the population controlling the wealth? The fact that it exists demonstrates that our society is not working efficiently.

    Now crossroads please let us know how you can draw the parallel that we have some agenda other than fairness for all.

  18. Crossroads, I wish you luck on this issue. I have given up.

  19. Brown Skin~why have you given up? We have started a little discussion which has been mild at best and instead of putting up a rebuttal you have ridden off into the sunset? Isn’t this response characteristic of how Barbadians chose to react in this and other similar situations?

    Please I beg you not to take this as a personal attack to chase you further into the sunset!

  20. David, I certainly don’t take it as a personal attack, but I think I became a little discouraged when you stated that Sir Courtney Blackman’s views lack credibility and substance. Let me explain something: I am a well-educated, but simple person. I have no University qualifications (except experience at the University of Life!). I do have a smattering of common sense though, which has stood me in good stead throughout life. And that life ain’t short (I’m over the hills and down in the valley!). When I was a child, I got sick and fed up hearing derogatory remarks about black people. I hated racial prejudice then, and I hate it now that the shoe is on the other foot. I agree with you wholeheartedly that the wealth in Barbados should be shared more equally, but I just don’t think it is right to entirely blame white people for that. Instead of whingeing and blaming every bloody thing on slavery and white people, I want black people to get up off their fannies and DO SOMETHING about it! Stop looking back … look forward. David, you cannot deny that there are a number of very successful black people in Barbados. How did they do it? THRIFT. Why can’t the others do it? Now don’t bring a lot of highfaluting rhetoric and University talk to me – I may not understand it! Just get down to basics. I told you already, I’m “down there”, not “UP there”. Proceed, my bro!

  21. K and Brown Skin~we like you are sick of the response we get from blacks especially when issues of race come up. We can’t deny that blacks have made strides in Barbados compared to where we were in the 50’s and 60’s. However we should not be fooled, our black middleclass appear to be happy to earn a degree and own a mortgage and having reach a comfort level, live happily ever after. Although the acquisition of material trappings represent achievement we need to go further. Let us use an example. Do you remember the great debate on the Mutual Assurance affair and why it became an issue? For the first time blacks went to Dover Convention Centre and made their voices heard, I think it was Dover. Blacks under vigorous agitation from Hillary Beckles were made aware of their responsibility and forced some change at Board level. The company has not looked back since. If black people did not keep noise maybe Mutual now Sagicor would have been in BS&T’s position today.

    The point we make is that although progress has been made, the struggle must be ongoing. Blogs, call in shows and other means will make mistakes along the way but we must be careful not to throw out the baby with the bath water. Black people are achieving higher levels of education, higher paying jobs etc, our concern though is we have a middleclass which can be described as slaves to the banks and whose dependence on the system to survive should concern us all. What is more of concern is the injudicious expenditure which the black middleclass continue to demonstrate, lavish homes, luxury cars, multiple overseas vacations etc. It clearly shows that there are misplaced priorities somewhere. In other words blacks seem happy to accumulate liabilities first and then see how wealth can be achieved. White people tend to do it in the reverse. We have some strong views on the subject and it is not about anti-white. It is about painting an accurate picture of where we think Barbados is currently and what needs to happen to advance Barbados as one people.

    The process of educating the blacks must continue. At BU we have seen too many examples of blacks who achieve some material wealth but forget to create opportunities for others to follow. For it to change BU and similar voices must continue to shout-out.

  22. Bravo David – your balanced opinion is refreshing on the Barbados blogs.

  23. There is a lot of fear amonst members of the Barbadian middleclass, and this fear is being massage for maximum benefit by the few who benefit the most from the current stasis of things.

  24. David, your last comments are reasonable. regards.+

  25. I have been following this post and I have to agree with David 150%.

    I will include two quotes from Marcus Garvey:
    “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.”

    “If you have no confidence in self you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence you have won even before you have started.”
    Marcus Garvey

    There have been several strides made since the mid 1900’s but complacency has set in again and Barbados as a 90% black country needs to change that.
    It is embarrassing to see what little the island has to offer being sold to the highest bidder with no regard for the consequences.
    Only short term benefits.

  26. I have been reading your web-site with interest because my father’s side of the family is from Barbados. He migrated to NY in 1918 and did quite well for himself – living until age 93. His brothers and sisters also migrated to NY between 1915 and 1930. They all did well and left behind valuable real-estate holdings all over NY that we still have today. Our attitude here in NY, is that we will succeed in spite of the White man, rarely because of him. He is irrelevant and is desparately tring to hold on to his White supremecist position which is slipping more and more. All of my of my siblings and cousins are college educated due to the ‘take-no-prisoner’ attitude and example of our parents (my mom was Jamaican). My children all have graduate degrees and are steamrolling through life, easily outdistancing their White counterparts who are mostly, just average. The key is a no-excuse desire to be successful – in spite of the man!

  27. bennie~glad to hear of you success; against the odds. In Barbados as alluded in the blog we have similar stories even though we are a majority black country, an oxymoron if ever there was one!

    We accept that success stories occur by the minute regarding black people overcoming barriers that should have been dismantled a long time ago. At the end of the day it goes back to how we measure success and the measures /metrics which our societies are prepared to put in place to manage the efficient institutionalization of racial equality.

  28. Sir Allan Fields once commented publicly words to the effect that ‘the new entrepreneurship in Barbados would rob their businesses of the pool of talent they have been able to rely on’. You read between the lines.
    Since the days of slavery till now, black people have made the mistake of thinking that just because they came to be better of than their foreparents that something had changed.
    The economics of domination and control spawned plantation slavery, and while plantation slavery has changed, the economics remains.
    Wake up Barbados, Wake up people.

  29. please get your facts rights! ever since black people took over in SA there has been huge economic growth,. a bit of research would have helped you.

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